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Eru created a topic of Jinx

This was too painful for both of them. As professional as Jaekyung is, that decision was so unfair. He fought damn well considering his multiple injuries. There should be at least a point difference in the score. That sonofa loser thinks he deserves to win should be ashamed of his cowardice! To have to go through all means to increase his chances of winning. Pathetic!

And Dan, amidst his relationship with Jaekyung, stood there, trusting. Braved to face the man whom he knows well could be brutal to him any minute he decided to. I really perceived that moment of them alone, him trusting his all to Jaekyung. Trusting he would listen to him. But of course, there's already been a crack in that trust way back. So it's even more painful to watch...

Also, I just want to emphasize... As maniac as Jaekyung is, to have to speak alone with Dan, giving him that chance to speak for himself, I still appreciated that. I'm not saying it was tolerable enough, but to me, it adds more to Jaekyung's character... I just wish the rest of the team doesn't loose favor over Dan.. That tie decision means so critical to everyone now...

Haaa... I'm heartbroken for some reason....

Eru created a topic of Papa Wolf and the Puppy

I really ship blonde hair dude and bluish hair dude! So so much! Don't you see the potential every time? Look, he held his hand like a baby, shaking it wanting drinks! Well, I mean it's alcohol but still!

Eru created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

They said thanks for being with the Main Couple.. So you mean there's a second???????? Who?! And oh my gahdd! Don't tell me they're half brothers?!

Eru created a topic of SPY x FAMILY

She's being so human here.. Ugh! Knowing Damian better than anyone else, trusting him with her ultimate secret.. Gosh! You darling! I hope Damian never forgets this!

Eru created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Another masterpiece, Brother without tomorrow, author-san! thank you so much for considering the side stories.. We'll await your return!

P. S. I just wished I could nibble on Tara's chubby legs! Goo!

Curios, did they made each of them Spirits? Like 3 pairs of guardians.. Right? Hmmm.. Hopefully it'll be covered as well in the side stories..

Eru created a topic of Jinx

I hate cheaters the most who call themselves strong or athletes.

Eru created a topic of Given

So what was the whole point of Given? Or will there be a more profound conclusion in the next chapter? Cause in this one, it's just stating how Ritsuka got by with his career and lovelife..

Eru created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Spread them legs gracefully! Mygod! (〃゚3゚〃) ≧﹏≦

They're not one's full, my heart is full too! Omg!! This fam! Hope we get to have side storieessss!! ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ

Eru created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Seriously?! What the heck of a price is this!?

Eru created a topic of Dark Fall

Are we catching feelings? Why is he trying to be sweet? And just when he's trying to be gentle, he saw that earring.. Welp.. It'll go down as usual, maybe....

Eru created a topic of Unfinished Business

This was a whole, thicc plot.. Damn! I almost couldn't take it all in! (*」>д<)」───

Eru created a topic of Dark Fall

For a second I forgot he was a demon.. Well....

Eru created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

He's in the middle of his subconsciousness' life and death! No! How long has he been out there in the rain?! Darn it!

Eru created a topic of Anata wa Iyarashii Hito

I find it shallow? But that's just me... Maybe.

Eru created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

You said hurtful words too.. Don't make it seem like your trauma is heavier than his jealousy. Don't invalidate your mate's concern like that. I get where your coming from but when you know he has this issue of you before already, you need to at least pacify him it wasn't like that. Especially knowing he's younger than you.. Now look, you both had to say bad words that hurt each other, while on your vacation. How are the kids gonna enjoy now?

Eru created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

That's it for me I guess for now.. Gotta let this bake in the oven for awhile...

Eru created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

I really hate Shizuma atm. I just can't take it with him. Fucking insincere, self-centered, blind idiot! I would've loved if Minato said he wanted space and a break. Only then he'll fcking realize how hellish it is to have mangled emotions just to be taken so lightly, the way he does with Minato. Fck!

Ugh! He's triggering me so much! Mangaka-san is so good! I just really hate this character right now..

Minato was out there, being so vulnerable, crying his heart out and he was effing smiling. Smiling?! Satisfied over the fact that he won't be bottoming. What an idiot! Bastard! Istg!

He said he was relieved? Relieved?!!! Relieved that Minato didn't want to break up??? Dude, how about feeling sorry?! You heartless moron! Stupid! Having conscience towards someone doesn't come with age or that you're still not mature whatnot! Even kids feel sorry when they break something. You feel sorry for hurting and accepting you've made a mistake to someone important in your life. Even if it's not someone important, you still would feel sorry, won't you?! But ugh, you... You son of a gun, I can't with you! Forget character development from you, I want to see Minato finally realize how he is not a reflection of his mother. He's becoming a wonderful person trying his best so much, it crumbles him. And yet he choose stay with this ungrateful prick! Damn, my hands are on fire, typing these...

*pauses, loading, out of it*

*sigh... Maybe I'm just so stressed... Haaa! I might be the one that needs a break..


Eru created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

Treasure my ass. You can't even choose him over a cat. Aho!

Eru created a topic of Waterside Night

Go Taeju! Go Taeju! Go, go, go Taeju!! Oh yeah!!!!
Father my ass...

Eru created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

First time I didn't read all of his thoughts cause I just know I'll be pissed off. Excuses and bs..