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Wtf, oh so you want to touch Tia's bottom line
Murder it is then

Although Galna is smh fucked up in her mind, still she's really pretty

What... So he have gf, well that really gives me mixed feelings....

Girl at this time, she need emotional support not rational solution, honestly how dense are u lol

Dumb boy, its not that you're ugly, u got good looks, a first prince, the legitimate heir to the throne, powerful background family from your mother side, all the golden spoon u born into, but all that waste on your small brain, i really pity you, really.

Marshmallow created a topic of My Darling Liar Boy

I love it, im glad not much angst, because im a person that hate angst and misunderstanding plot. (▰˘◡˘▰)

Freaking green flag relationship

Marshmallow answered question about period stories
14, i was worried because i think its quite late for my age like everybody got they pusi bleeding why mine ain't. And bam, it came during class, when i realised why boys making fun of me (well u know teen boys that age, they like making fun of periods like its a shame to their family to have a one), why boys see it first? Because my seating arrange......

Those 2 really suit each other tho....

Marshmallow created a topic of Predator Marriage

Oh look, theres a piece of shit in the middle of the room

Marshmallow created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

I dont really like Kotaro kind of love, its forceful and controlling. I much rather prefer psycho Shinpei.