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Macaron so cute, im imagining her a mature curvy onee san in human form, that like to say 'araa araa'

Marshmallow created a topic of Maru is a Puppy

I know that feeling well, it hurts, it really does, you torn between want to be selfish for wanting they live more or letting them go, don't want they to suffer anymore....

Hmmmm something fishy with toifa and the elf with schlong... I don't know where its going but i like it.

Disgusting standard, it was okay for men to sleep around while they will lose their mind once it comes for woman. Oh, and doesn't have blood during the first time doesn't mean she's not a virgin. So dumb, and the fact that these kind of things still happening around in this era, oh come on its 2024. To deserve someone how you want them to, you need to keep yourself the same state, then its fair no?

Marshmallow created a topic of Maru is a Puppy

My baby maru, a good girl!

Marshmallow created a topic of Obscene Contract

Gurl u disgustingly creepy, not okay

A copy and paste of you, and u still thought its somebody else child
Not just the prince, everyone in the manga doesn't seems to notice, ridiculous

I still think its not okay to be in a relationship if theres no feelings involved. Like why u wait so long, nothing will happen if u didn't tell the person your feelings right?

I was like 'wow its so futuristic and the mc doesn't look tired from work, so there's no way mc would get hit by truck kun or die by overworked' then the next minute, bam, hit by futuristic truck kun, and its on high floor lmao

Its good that he's being acknowledged. Sometimes just a simple word as 'Thank you' can make a person day better.

Marshmallow answered question about question
When im in mood for some romantic developments, i would go for shoujo. Just pure kind of love. Always remind me of my old school days with my husband lol. And would jump back in to yaoi when im in mood for something smuty. When I'm bored with all that, i would then jump to novels.

Bruh i hate filling forms, and to fill 10 forms a day, 70 forms a week, just to do it, nah ain't nobody got time for that.

Chapter 3, that's really really feel weird for me lol. He just turn into a beastkin like 1 second, then suddenly u like him. Pls at least give some time for the feelings from loving your pet like your children to lover, right???