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Ronnie's feed

Ronnie created a topic of Jinx

I must disagree with you who call people stupid because they have a negative comment about the story. People are not stupid. As some of you have stated, people like different things at a different pace. It is then idiotic to bestow your beliefs and likes to someone and call them stupid the minute they disagree with you.

Other than Jaekyung and Dan fucking a lot hardcore , Heesung appearance, more fucking, article and Dan being drunk with hardcore fucking, then back to hardcore fucking, and now reverse Jaekyung drunk. That’s it. It’s been a year. I also feel it being stalled and it’s okay to feel however you feel about the story.

Am I going to stop reading it? No. And probably others won’t. Do I hate it? No, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t wish more drama. Do you have people bitching about it? Obviously. But that’s what it means to be invested in the story!!!!!

Please don’t call people stupid, because in that case ALL OF US ARE since we’re unique and like different things and have different expectations.

And besides, who else will the story’s fan vent to? US!