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Shic May 21, 2020 3:14 am

As I said these spoilers will be from the novel and I am just going to lay everything out. Meaning everything from who ends up with who, to why the brothers acted the way they did, to the very end of the novel! ... This is going to be a very long comment!
Spoilers will start here!
This will talk about FIRST TIMELINE (although the bullying and reasoning for it stays the same in the second timeline as well).
1) The mistreatment of Hari - as young and stupid little boys they all treated her badly in their own way for basically the same reason; which was that they had just lost their sister they didn't know how to take this news and then their parents show up with a new little girl and tell them she was their sister. Then the parents start to pay more attention to Hari in attempt to make things normal again, but this leads to the boys hating and taking their loneliness and anger out on Hari even though she is just another victim.
Eugene turned a blind eye to his younger brothers abuse/pranks
Cable "plays" with her in a very rough manner to the point that it is borderline physical abuse. He is very taxing on her body but it is not like he ever hit her with the intent to cripple or kill her.
Enrich played lots of terrible pranks on her and emotionally exhausted her. After they grow up they finally realize that she was in hell just as much as they were. They feel really bad for what they did to her so they try to make up for it by letting her do what she wants as an adult. But because of their guilt they cannot even tell her they are sorry.
2) Hari's marriage to Johannes (blue hair boy) turns out that he became interested in her after seeing her at a graduation. Cable and Enrich didn't like it and made a scene because they did not want her to marry but they did not get in her way because of their guilt. Hari herself tells you that she was marrying him only for the sake of getting away from her brothers and she did not love him. He was Hari's only marriage partner because Hari was not well accepted in high society mostly because of the brother treatment of her when she was younger, they didn't treat her like part of the family so nobody saw her as one until much later but by then nobody cared.
3) Hari and Eugene's relationship was ambiguous because the two of them were both close and distant from each other. They have a habit of liking to silently sit with each other and holding hands. Which is why it is a habit for her to reach for him. They were silently in love with each other, however Eugene was married young (for power) and Hari was always trying to run away. Enrich was in love with Hari as well but he never spoke his feelings as well and Cable was the only one to see her as a younger sister which is the reason he was going to give her away at the wedding. Fun fact Cable helped Hari pick her dress.
1) Hari now with the mentally of an adult saw the boys actions differently, no matter how bad the bullying got she could see it as the actions of boys who were lonely and frustrated. Unlike the first timeline where she was very bitter as a child this time she just felt it was annoying.
2) Her changed behavior helped Eugene realize that she was just a child as well and he was able to talk things out with his parents. This lead to a temporary happy home life. But Hari with a lot of crying was only able to keep the parents alive one year longer that was all.
3) Eugene had to take over as Duke at 14 and had many enemies from within and outside his own family. Though out all this Hari was the one to reach out to him the most and express her concern for him. She showed that she was in fact trustworthy and that she loved him in her own way.
4) Once again Eugene has to become a dry and cold person. He does a lot of terrible things for the sake of power to protect his family.
5) To protect his brothers and Hari Eugene sends they to live with Johannes family so that he can pretty much clean house. They live there for 6 years 3 of which communication with Eugene is almost impossible. But it allows for the brothers and Hari to grow safely. This leads to 2 developments, the first is that Hari grows up with Johannes to which in turn makes Hari see him as a brother rather than a man. The second development is that Hari is now very well respected and liked in high society unlike the first timeline.
6) Through out the 6 years of not living with Eugene Hari was the one that kept in contact with him the most. When they all finally saw each other again Eugene no longer saw her as a sister but a woman. She also saw him as a man but she brushed it aside pretending not to notice.
7) Eugene at this point is best friends with Crown Prince and engaged to another woman. However his frustrations have been building up because he keeps sacrificing everything he wants for his family’s happiness. When Hari (pretty much the only person who can read his poker face other than Enrich) tells him he has the right to be happy he changes his mind and starts to find a way so that he can be with Hari.
8) Eugene’s fiancé is in love with Crown Prince, Crown Prince is in love with Eugene’s fiancé but never makes a move on account she is engaged to his best friend. Eugene is aware of this but did not care 1) because he does not actually see Crown Prince as a friend and only wants to use him (he became a very bitter person) 2) he needed the fiancé family to support him so that he could protect his brothers. However now that he has decided that he wants Hari more than anything else he needs to get rid of his current fiancé. To do this he helps Crown Prince annul his engagement and become engaged to his pervious fiancé. This helps him get rid of her and puts him in good graces with the future ruler of the kingdom.
9) Eugene takes full advantage of this to make his feelings clear to Hari and when she believes that she is misunderstanding something they share a kiss and he makes it VERY clear that he never once in his life saw her as his sister but does want her as his family. At the end the book ends with Eugene and Hari’s engagement.

That pretty much somes everything up if you have more questions feel free to ask!!

    Deathscythe May 21, 2020 6:18 am

    Thank you for making known that my silent wish of a ship fucking sailed!

Shic May 5, 2018 11:19 pm

Okay I have been hearing that the author finished the story at chapter 135 and Mafuyu ended up with no one. I was so shocked that I had to confirm if this was true. It is NOT she just released a new volume that ended with chapter 135 then its to be continued. The story is ongoing but I did hear that the author is now taking the story in a different direction. (I have no clue what direction that is but I really want know). (๑•ㅂ•)و✧!!!
So happy the story isn't over there are so many questions that need to be answered!
I really want to know more about the memories that Mafuyu forgot.
By the way does anyone else wish the author would write about Takaomi's high school years THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!! ヾ(☆▽☆)ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

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Shic October 28, 2017 6:00 am

Can anyone recommend any Yaoi with a possessive seme.

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