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Fujoshi owl's experience ( All 0 )

Fujoshi owl's answer ( All 2 )

I'm bi and love reading yaoi. ;)   3 reply
29 06,2017
Not long ago I was cutting my self. My family fund out two months after I started it. I was thinking about suicide, but my friends fund out what I was thinking and started telling me how much they care about me. They were my only support, my father is an alcoholic so he didn't care. My mother always yelling at everything she always tell me that I'm......   1 reply
29 06,2017

Fujoshi owl's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

“How about me?
Who already fell for you.
Did you really just let me go?”
Pano by Zack Tabudlo. His songs always hit hard.

1 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

cause i think i've fallen
in love this time
i blinked and suddenly, i had a valentine

7 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

Maybe we got lost in translation

18 hours