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Paggy August 15, 2023 2:18 am


Paggy August 14, 2023 1:13 am

How am i supposed to be convinced of Dan’s growing feelings over Jaekyung? Like it’s kinda giving stockholm syndrome idk

    ayvan August 14, 2023 1:16 am

    exactly. idk what the author thought but it felt a lil too early for my guy to even think of catching feelings

    naNana August 14, 2023 1:21 am

    lmao yeah it feels way too rushed and forced (like just so you can consider this manhwa romance) it would've been so much better if jaekyung fell first cause that would make so mucb more sense considering how kind kim dan is despite him being an asshole

    naNana August 14, 2023 1:22 am

    was for real convinced doc dan was an aroace

    Paggy August 14, 2023 1:27 am
    exactly. idk what the author thought but it felt a lil too early for my guy to even think of catching feelings ayvan

    Right! he’s constantly been humiliated it doesn’t feel convincing at all. Jaekyung has been a walking red flag from the beginning I have noooo idea how the author is going to unravel this and make him lovable

    Paggy August 14, 2023 1:32 am
    lmao yeah it feels way too rushed and forced (like just so you can consider this manhwa romance) it would've been so much better if jaekyung fell first cause that would make so mucb more sense considering how k... naNana

    EXACTLY! I’d rather see jaekyung fall for him first so I can see him being on his KNEES begging for forgiveness and an apology letter with TEARS for hurting my son

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 1:37 am
    lmao yeah it feels way too rushed and forced (like just so you can consider this manhwa romance) it would've been so much better if jaekyung fell first cause that would make so mucb more sense considering how k... naNana

    Is it rushed and forced? Are you sure JK didn’t fall first? While he is toxic don’t forget he is just BEING one. He can change.
    Why is he doing what he is doing? Why is he getting jealous? Why get Dan when he already had a partner?

    For op——
    This isn’t Stockholm syndrome.

    When it comes to love it is never to early to catch feelings.

    Paggy August 14, 2023 1:50 am
    Is it rushed and forced? Are you sure JK didn’t fall first? While he is toxic don’t forget he is just BEING one. He can change. Why is he doing what he is doing? Why is he getting jealous? Why get Dan when ... Torakaze

    Well he said his jinx wouldn’t work if he has sex with someone and enjoys it, so he came to Dan because he found him attractive. Being attracted to someone doesn’t imply falling in love, jae hasn’t shown any signs of true love yet. We can see he’s patient with Dan sometimes but it’s not proportional to how awful he was to him. Well I know technically it isn’t stockholm syndrome since the author is writing a love story but giving the circonstances of Dan it kind of looks like it so I made the joke, it’s not serious

    naNana August 14, 2023 1:50 am
    Is it rushed and forced? Are you sure JK didn’t fall first? While he is toxic don’t forget he is just BEING one. He can change. Why is he doing what he is doing? Why is he getting jealous? Why get Dan when ... Torakaze

    lmao you're only thinking like this cause youre probably one of those people who romantizes toxicity.

    "he can change" i mean yeah that's like 90% of all the yaois here, they just justify the top's action by some bs trauma. seeing you excuse jaekyung's behavior is really funny

    naNana August 14, 2023 1:51 am
    Is it rushed and forced? Are you sure JK didn’t fall first? While he is toxic don’t forget he is just BEING one. He can change. Why is he doing what he is doing? Why is he getting jealous? Why get Dan when ... Torakaze

    its literally a stockholm sydrome-like manhwa except there's no kidnapping going around imagine falling inlove with someone who abuses you. its not about catching feelings fast, its how jaekyung is treating kim dan like an actual shit but still kim dan manages to catch feelings. grow up

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 2:03 am
    lmao you're only thinking like this cause youre probably one of those people who romantizes toxicity. "he can change" i mean yeah that's like 90% of all the yaois here, they just justify the top's action by som... naNana

    Lmao! No I am just educated and not misusing terms because I hate the story.
    I don’t read many romance stories. I am straight too. My wife, my best friend, and their friends love yaoi/bl love and asks me to analyze something or settle something for them.
    So we can have a civil conversation or you can tell me you have no rational argument because you know I am right to personally attack me instead of using story points or a definition that does not correspond with your pov. I don’t and never have excused JK behavior. So you must had knowing you were wrong to lie about me to discredit me in way you could think off. Your responses only revealed more about your insecurities and weakness. This is not Stockholm syndrome and your bad faith behavior tells me you know that. Take your own advice. You are the one that needs it. Please grow up. Have mature and civil conversation.

    naNana August 14, 2023 2:19 am
    Lmao! No I am just educated and not misusing terms because I hate the story. I don’t read many romance stories. I am straight too. My wife, my best friend, and their friends love yaoi/bl love and asks me to a... Torakaze

    im having a hard time understanding this because of the lack of punctuation usage, but i did understand that you denied justifying jaekyung's behavior because "he can change". CAN, that's literally means he hasn't yet which does invalidates you because my pov is correct, we're only at ch. 30 so far and jaekyung hasn't done anything for kim dan for him to catch feelings on. But let's say that providing money and shelter is, do you think that it's normal to fall in love with that reason despite them mentally and physically abusing you? that would fall under stockholm sydrome-like category, we never said it was stockholm sydrome, its just relatively close.

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 2:24 am
    Well he said his jinx wouldn’t work if he has sex with someone and enjoys it, so he came to Dan because he found him attractive. Being attracted to someone doesn’t imply falling in love, jae hasn’t shown ... Paggy

    My questions were for you to think about the story not for you to answer them to me.

    Can you give me the chapter and line for this “Well he said his jinx wouldn’t work if he has sex with someone and enjoys it,”
    I remember chapter 2 and he is talking about him (himself) enjoying the sex. Maybe you had a few sentences in your head but they merged as one?

    “Being attracted to someone doesn’t imply falling in love,”. That is true but you are failing to see something and my point. However, it took me 3 months to learn I fell in love with my wife when I first met her. I don’t understand my feelings or how to understand them. It took our friends asking if we were dating to get us to start looking at what we had.
    “jae hasn’t shown any signs of true love yet.”
    Huh? Are you sure? He has did some big acts that some are dismissing for his violent behavior but it is his true character. He is toxic but some people are making him out to be worst than he is. When you defend the story or point out facts somehow you are excusing him of his bad behavior. I am starting to see that as is the go to argument when they (the haters) are losing or lost and they know it.

    Thank you for confirming the Stockholm syndrome is a joke. However, many people believes it is Stockholm syndrome but it is like claiming this is incest. You may not be serious but as you can tell others are. So, joke or not, you erroneously reinforced the idea with the haters. They love to spread the hate in anyway they can even with lies. There are too many on this page.

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 2:35 am
    im having a hard time understanding this because of the lack of punctuation usage, but i did understand that you denied justifying jaekyung's behavior because "he can change". CAN, that's literally means he has... naNana

    You can change your behavior. The beginning of what your comment is what trolls and cyber bullies do when they know they are losing.
    This doesn’t excuse your behavior. I never justify his behavior. I am not defending him. He is toxic. Your replies are toxic. You are pushing your agenda on me. Anyone can change their behavior and that doesn’t justify anything. That means they learn and change for the better. It is you that is twisting my words for a sick point for your hate pushing agenda. Can = present tense. You are the making it excuses his toxic behavior because you know you are losing and have no rational argument. This isn’t Stockholm syndrome and not even relatively close to Stockholm syndrome. You are only trying to discredit me because you know your are wrong. Trolling tricks. You can change your behavior and your behavior isn’t excused. Also I will read Jinx by Mingwa not the one you are making up. Thank you.

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 2:40 am
    You can change your behavior. The beginning of what your comment is what trolls and cyber bullies do when they know they are losing. This doesn’t excuse your behavior. I never justify his behavior. I am not d... Torakaze

    My last sentence
    note: some details are on track but …… some details are off.. and not even read the story carefully.

    naNana August 14, 2023 2:58 am
    You can change your behavior. The beginning of what your comment is what trolls and cyber bullies do when they know they are losing. This doesn’t excuse your behavior. I never justify his behavior. I am not d... Torakaze

    i am being serious when i said i couldn't understand you because you're taking this way too seriously than you should be that's why i pointed it out incase i misunderstood something. Yes, anyone can change but that doesn't mean we should be tolerating their behavior. You shouldn't have replied here if you're just gonna invalidate us by saying we are being trolls. You keep on pointing out that we're losing which doesn't seem to be. You're being a close minded fuck who wouldn't understand others understanding of the story.

    Mingwa is known for making fictional assholes whose then given a character development for the justification of their assholeness. What im trying to say is that mingwa has a history for these kind of characters. Even if mingwa is not justifying their action, why would you make another one. I have "forgiven" jiwon(toxic character from previous work of mingwa) because he did already change, he had shown and proved it to us, and jaekyung hasn't yet, which validates our feelings for his toxicness. I won't be tolerating his behavior until he'll treat kim dan right and im being rational because it's valid to feel like this after seeing all of those abuses.

    You're not being rational at all

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 3:24 am
    i am being serious when i said i couldn't understand you because you're taking this way too seriously than you should be that's why i pointed it out incase i misunderstood something. Yes, anyone can change but ... naNana

    i am being serious when i said i couldn't understand you because you're taking this way too seriously than you should be that's why i pointed it out incase i misunderstood something.
    That doesn’t correspond with your last nonsensical sentence Also, how can I be too serious when you can’t understand me and imposing false accusations on me.

    “Yes, anyone can change but that doesn't mean we should be tolerating their behavior.” That is your imposing false accusation. I never indicated that. You did.

    “You shouldn't have replied here if you're just gonna invalidate us by saying we are being trolls.” I don’t really.
    I was talking about your behavior that compares to them. Behavior I don’t tolerate but you can change it. You can change your behavior does not mean I excuse your bad behavior. That is illogical.

    “You keep on pointing out that we're losing which doesn't seem to be.” You are using tactics that debaters do when they are losing or lost. You are taking the story out of context a bit too to make a illogical argument. You are using another one.

    The part about being a close minded is definitely describing you. You are now cussing and name calling. That is immature and your insecurities are showing. You are exposing yourself.

    Your comments are real and toxic. You are personally attacking others to be right. I will not let a story control me like you are letting this story control you. Look how you are cowering and treating others. You know I am being very rational and that is another troll trick. You are trying to discredit me in front of others because you know you have no rational argument. I am not just saying this. You got triggered and attacked me from me repeating research. You think you are attacking me but you are attacking words from research to trying to punish me to feel better about yourself and feel more superior. Your insecurities are showing. You are trying to discredit me. It is reality where I am coming from. You are not describing me at all as you can tell. Keep desperately describing yourself.

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 3:34 am
    Lmao! No I am just educated and not misusing terms because I hate the story. I don’t read many romance stories. I am straight too. My wife, my best friend, and their friends love yaoi/bl love and asks me to a... Torakaze

    Lmao! No I am just educated and not misusing terms because I hate the story.
    I don’t read many romance stories. I am straight too to make another claim invalid. My wife, my best friend, and their friends love yaoi/bl love. They ask me to analyze something or settle something for them.

    We (me and you) can have a civil conversation or you can tell me, you have no rational argument because you know I am right to personally attack me instead of using story points or a definition that does not correspond with your pov. (Which you continue to personally attacking to even cuss at me with pathetic lies.)
    I don’t and never have excused JK behavior. Therefore, you must had knowing you were wrong to lie about me to discredit me in way you could think off. Your responses only revealed more about your insecurities and weakness. This is not Stockholm syndrome and your bad faith behavior tells me you know that. Take your own advice. You are the one that needs it. Please grow up. Have mature and civil conversation.

    —— If you think it is serious it is your fault because I only reacted to how you treated me and your interpretation. I don’t write with “so” unless in casual conversation. Now I change it the so to other words if I am going to be excused of being serious. I will be more serious.
    My message wasn’t that hard to understand. You are imposing false arguments and personally attacking me over nothing.

    ayvan August 14, 2023 3:39 am
    Lmao! No I am just educated and not misusing terms because I hate the story. I don’t read many romance stories. I am straight too to make another claim invalid. My wife, my best friend, and their friends love... Torakaze

    bro do you ever shut the fuck up?

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 3:50 am
    bro do you ever shut the fuck up? ayvan

    Do you, cyber bully? If you are going to be toxic and disrespectful we are not bros.

    Do you ever mature and treat people right? You did not have to show your immaturity and toxicity to everyone.

    I thought we were cool, bro. You aren’t God. You are a disappointment. Your behavoir is disgusting.

    naNana August 14, 2023 4:10 am
    i am being serious when i said i couldn't understand you because you're taking this way too seriously than you should be that's why i pointed it out incase i misunderstood something. That doesn’t correspond w... Torakaze

    From the very beginning, you keep on rebutting me by giving personal experience. That won't point anything and i know you're new to this whole romance thing as you mentioned you haven't read many romance stories earlier which makes you're whole starting point weak.

    You know dunning-kruger effect? Yeah, thats something you have mate. Since your new here, let me just tell you a thing learnt from all these FICTIONAL romance stories, always separate the reality because fiction will always be fiction. Despite me hating jaekyung as an asshole, aren't you wondering why am i still reading it? CAUSE ITS FICTION, let your imagination run wild, that's why im stuck enjoying reading these instead of some documentaries. So stop saying that im being irrational because i know what im doing. Saying im out of context for providing external evidence from the same author and with my experience as yaoi/bl reader for a long time when you're validating your points by providing personal experience, you're funny.

    I called you irrational cause you are. You keep on validating yourself by thinking were attacking you when im clearly just voicing out my opinions as you try to invalidate ours. You're doing the same thing too, which is totally valid because thats what argument is all about. If i sounded really insensitive and hurt you're feeling then im gonna apologize for that. Im not gonna apologize for correcting you though.

    AND don't call me insecure, you're the one whose twisting my words in order to use it as a rebut to me, are you seeing how pointless you are is that why your doing that? Who said im letting this story control me? You seems to be the one whose doing that seeing how you keep on connecting your personal life with it.

    ayvan August 14, 2023 4:44 am
    Do you, cyber bully? If you are going to be toxic and disrespectful we are not bros. Do you ever mature and treat people right? You did not have to show your immaturity and toxicity to everyone. I thought we w... Torakaze

    do you ever shut the fuck up?

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 4:46 am
    From the very beginning, you keep on rebutting me by giving personal experience. That won't point anything and i know you're new to this whole romance thing as you mentioned you haven't read many romance storie... naNana

    Look at you doubling down and cowering more. One I said I haven’t read much romance stories but that doesn’t tell you how many or doesn’t say I am new to this. You make an asinine argument to be right and discredit me.
    I have to read again because the only person I gave personal experience was Paggy. You are not Paggy not unless you are a sock puppet. That one starting at weak points is you.
    dunning-kruger effect doesn’t describe me. It does you. Then the rest of your messages was BS. However it is good to know you can differentiate between fictional and reality but you were the one trying to falsely labeled it and hating a fictional character to where you are degrading and attacking someone.
    I don’t think I had said you are being irrational but saying you are desperately describing yourself after you said about me.
    “You’re funny” with a lie is a troll trick. I am not being irrational at all. You are attacking not voicing opinions.
    Do we have to define opinions and attacks. I am not doing the same thing. I am not you.

    You have not hurt me or have you correct me. You correct me by lies? No.
    I am not calling you insecure. I am calling your actions insecure by research. You are exposing yourself.

    “are you seeing how pointless you are is that why your doing that? “
    Personal attack. I will call out people. It is not pointless and if it is pointless you wouldn’t be doing what you are doing now - lying.
    “Who said im letting this story control me?” You.

    “You seems to be the one whose doing that seeing how you keep on connecting your personal life with it.”

    False imposing argument.

    Your strategy is nothing but putting up defenses and lies.
    You’re showing how weak you are. Why do you continue to hide and lie. Are you finished or are you going to continue to hide like a big coward? If you’re not afraid, then you should stop hiding and talk to us with honor.
    Stop gaslighting. Another trolling trick. Can you have a civil conversation? Have you forgotten how? Or attacking and degrading others all you know how to do when your feeling insecure? You produce lies to the narrative you wanted to have control and not look poorly. If you make the truth look like a lie than you feel less threatened by it. If only you had a conversation with me instead of acting like I excuse his behavior when that was an illogical conclusion and other toxicity behavior. You can change your behavior to something better, to be a better person. However, it will never excuse your toxic behavior here with me. Thanks for sharing your lost. Learn how to communicate with people instead of attacking them.
    Learn lies have no effect.
    Do better.

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 4:46 am
    From the very beginning, you keep on rebutting me by giving personal experience. That won't point anything and i know you're new to this whole romance thing as you mentioned you haven't read many romance storie... naNana

    Look at you doubling down and cowering more. One I said I haven’t read much romance stories but that doesn’t tell you how many or doesn’t say I am new to this. You make an asinine argument to be right and discredit me.
    I have to read again because the only person I gave personal experience was Paggy. You are not Paggy not unless you are a sock puppet. That one starting at weak points is you.
    dunning-kruger effect doesn’t describe me. It does you. Then the rest of your messages was BS. However it is good to know you can differentiate between fictional and reality but you were the one trying to falsely labeled it and hating a fictional character to where you are degrading and attacking someone.
    I don’t think I had said you are being irrational but saying you are desperately describing yourself after you said about me.
    “You’re funny” with a lie is a troll trick. I am not being irrational at all. You are attacking not voicing opinions.
    Do we have to define opinions and attacks. I am not doing the same thing. I am not you.

    You have not hurt me or have you correct me. You correct me by lies? No.
    I am not calling you insecure. I am calling your actions insecure by research. You are exposing yourself.

    “are you seeing how pointless you are is that why your doing that? “
    Personal attack. I will call out people. It is not pointless and if it is pointless you wouldn’t be doing what you are doing now - lying.
    “Who said im letting this story control me?” You.

    “You seems to be the one whose doing that seeing how you keep on connecting your personal life with it.”

    False imposing argument.

    Your strategy is nothing but putting up defenses and lies.
    You’re showing how weak you are. Why do you continue to hide and lie. Are you finished or are you going to continue to hide like a big coward? If you’re not afraid, then you should stop hiding and talk to us with honor.
    Stop gaslighting. Another trolling trick. Can you have a civil conversation? Have you forgotten how? Or attacking and degrading others all you know how to do when your feeling insecure? You produce lies to the narrative you wanted to have control and not look poorly. If you make the truth look like a lie than you feel less threatened by it. If only you had a conversation with me instead of acting like I excuse his behavior when that was an illogical conclusion and other toxicity behavior. You can change your behavior to something better, to be a better person. However, it will never excuse your toxic behavior here with me. Thanks for sharing your lost. Learn how to communicate with people instead of attacking them.
    Learn lies have no effect.
    Do better.

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 4:48 am
    From the very beginning, you keep on rebutting me by giving personal experience. That won't point anything and i know you're new to this whole romance thing as you mentioned you haven't read many romance storie... naNana

    Look at you doubling down and cowering more. One I said I haven’t read much romance stories but that doesn’t tell you how many or doesn’t say I am new to this. You make an asinine argument to be right and discredit me.
    I have to read again because the only person I gave personal experience was Paggy. You are not Paggy not unless you are a sock puppet. That one starting at weak points is you.
    dunning-kruger effect doesn’t describe me. It does you. Then the rest of your messages was BS. However it is good to know you can differentiate between fictional and reality but you were the one trying to falsely labeled it and hating a fictional character to where you are degrading and attacking someone.
    I don’t think I had said you are being irrational but saying you are desperately describing yourself after you said about me.
    “You’re funny” with a lie is a troll trick. I am not being irrational at all. You are attacking not voicing opinions.
    Do we have to define opinions and attacks. I am not doing the same thing. I am not you.

    You have not hurt me or have you correct me. You correct me by lies? No.
    I am not calling you insecure. I am calling your actions insecure by research. You are exposing yourself.

    “are you seeing how pointless you are is that why your doing that? “
    Personal attack. I will call out people. It is not pointless and if it is pointless you wouldn’t be doing what you are doing now - lying.
    “Who said im letting this story control me?” You.

    “You seems to be the one whose doing that seeing how you keep on connecting your personal life with it.”

    False imposing argument.

    Your strategy is nothing but putting up defenses and lies.
    You’re showing how weak you are. Why do you continue to hide and lie. Are you finished or are you going to continue to hide like a big coward? If you’re not afraid, then you should stop hiding and talk to us with honor.
    Stop gaslighting. Another trolling trick. Can you have a civil conversation? Have you forgotten how? Or attacking and degrading others all you know how to do when your feeling insecure? You produce lies to the narrative you wanted to have control and not look poorly. If you make the truth look like a lie than you feel less threatened by it. If only you had a conversation with me instead of acting like I excuse his behavior when that was an illogical conclusion and other toxicity behavior. You can change your behavior to something better, to be a better person. However, it will never excuse your toxic behavior here with me. Thanks for sharing your lost. Learn how to communicate with people instead of attacking them.
    Learn lies have no effect.
    Do better.

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 4:54 am
    do you ever shut the fuck up? ayvan

    I will not scoop to your level. If you don’t like what I say and can’t have a mature conversation, you are free to not speak to me or/and to leave. You are not free to degrade me or speak that way.
    You can choose to leave me alone or have a civil conversation that is respectful. You are not free to control me.
    So do you?

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 4:55 am
    Look at you doubling down and cowering more. One I said I haven’t read much romance stories but that doesn’t tell you how many or doesn’t say I am new to this. You make an asinine argument to be right and... Torakaze

    None of my comments posted now they all do. Mangago glitch.

    jojo August 14, 2023 5:06 am
    I will not scoop to your level. If you don’t like what I say and can’t have a mature conversation, you are free to not speak to me or/and to leave. You are not free to degrade me or speak that way. You can... Torakaze

    you roasted them good its nice seeing some rational people here and there ...

    ayvan August 14, 2023 6:31 am
    I will not scoop to your level. If you don’t like what I say and can’t have a mature conversation, you are free to not speak to me or/and to leave. You are not free to degrade me or speak that way. You can... Torakaze

    civil conversation ? you're arguing over bullshit and losing

    Mikaela August 14, 2023 1:24 pm

    It's definitely stockholm but I didn't expected it to develop THIS soon.

    Mikaela August 14, 2023 1:30 pm

    And guys, please don't argue with that Torakaze person, it's like talking to a wall. Please save your arguments and points for someone else so you don't get a headache. :)

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 2:07 pm
    civil conversation ? you're arguing over bullshit and losing ayvan

    You are not describing reality. You are gaslighting. You are being ridiculously selfish and only trying to hurt me. How immature. Gaslighting is psychological manipulation that makes the recipient question their feelings, instincts, and even their sanity. It is emotional abuse. You are trying to hurt me over a story and when we last talked we were cool. That is so not cool man. You are overreacting and deflecting to a lie. Stop the manipulative and immature behavior. Stop the gaslight.

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 2:17 pm

    Mikaela You are not describing reality either. You are gaslighting. Gaslighting is psychological manipulation that makes the recipient question their feelings, instincts, and even their sanity. It is emotional abuse. You are trying to hurt me over a story. It is not Stockholm syndrome. Please educate yourself on the term miss I am 18 and misusing terms to make the story I hate sound worst. Stop the manipulative and immature behavior. Stop the gaslight.
    Stop being a pathetic cyber stalker. Stop lying about me. You have a choice. You can leave me alone or engage in civil conversation. You can’t cyber stalk me. You can’t lie about me. You never tried to talk to me. Since we meet there has been no argument. It is just cyber stalkers attacking us and on a lie for what I was told. Stop defaming me. Grow up please. You are 18. Be an adult.

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 2:30 pm
    you roasted them good its nice seeing some rational people here and there ... jojo

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. ^^

    There are too many irrational haters here. They don’t like me because I call them out. I gave him an option but it seems he chose emotional abuse to try to hurt me and get me to stop being here. That is very immature and toxic. That wasn’t an option and I will just call it out. They don’t learn on this page. They think gaslighting and other toxic behavior that define them is supposed to do something to me. If they want the call outs to stop, stop the behavior or/and stop harassing me. They are not doing anything but exposing themselves as toxic people.
    Again thank you so much

    jojo August 14, 2023 3:53 pm
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. ^^There are too many irrational haters here. They don’t like me because I call them out. I gave him an option but it seems he chose emotional abuse to try to hurt me and get ... Torakaze

    i couldnt agree more in that statment they really tying to push some toxicity and also some victim blaming like what we are reading its a reality and also gaslighting on us like we dont understant what is going on and trying to teach us some valid lessons from yaoi . i find it kinda hilarious

    Tmsmyz August 14, 2023 3:54 pm
    civil conversation ? you're arguing over bullshit and losing ayvan

    That isn’t happening.
    He did lose something. He lost his respect for you as you exposed yourself as a gaslighting hater.

    Mikaela August 14, 2023 4:08 pm

    You're also an adult but can't handle when someone else has something else to say mister I like to overanalyse blah blah. ''It Is NoT StockHOlm bECauSe I saY sO'' Sir, move on, stop gaslighting, stalking and cyber bullying other people. Aren't you an adult and ''married''? Damn, yall are so delusional it's crazy but whatever helps you sleep at night. Stay toxic <3

    toilet terrorist August 14, 2023 4:19 pm

    True lol, people who develop a trauma bond with their abusive partner and then 'fall in love' are usually just victims of stockholm syndrome. Its even sadder when you see it in real life.

    Tmsmyz August 14, 2023 4:35 pm

    Mikaela, There is no evidence of us gaslighting, cyber bullying or stalking. No evidence of being crazy, delusional, or toxic. Your opinion is just invalid.

    Toilet, they said it was a joke. Learn what Stockholm syndrome is because it isn’t this story. What you put as Stockholm syndrome is not this story. Stockholm syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. This condition applies to situations including child abuse, coach-athlete abuse, relationship abuse and sex trafficking,documented%20in%20the%20research%20include%3A&text=Feeling%20closely%20bonded%20or%20attached,of%20the%20captor%20or%20abuser

    Look at psychological causes, signs and symptoms. You have no case.
    It gives you 5 Examples of Stockholm Syndrome. None are close. 4 is the Stockholm syndrome abusive relationship. You have no case. This isn’t Stockholm syndrome.

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