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I'm sorry if this will offend anyone but the way Diana is forcing the nobles to act poor and feeding envoys that things is like vegans forcing their ideals and saying obstinate things to people who don't agree with them

Igotnothingonmymind created a topic of Thirst

Lord this was just not me. Y'all how they not getting awkward sitting like that.? Plss ik he's your daddy figure Tristan but that position is giving DADDY vibes.
(I love the art but why them mouth and teeth's be like AOT)

No hating on the artist ( I got called out for saying the art was bad) but the art like why is every male so fucking similar. Artist literally took copy my homework but change it a lil bit too seriously.

*GASP* so that woochan guy is association's dog?.?!

Was it so hard to give something that isn't the typical "I reincarnated as a side character but the main characters aren't interested in each other SO I HAVE to make them " like" each other cause this is a world of novel and the ending has to have the ending of the novel".?

I'm so mad, like why are u interfering gurl.? Live your damn life, get away from the main leads, go to your territory there are so many things to do and you are stuck up on that.??
I know this manhwa is good but what is the obsession with sticking the main characters together if they don't want to.?

Sometimes I feel like the side characters are like delulu kpop stans who stans their idols with idols of their preferences and if even their hairs touch they make a fanvid of it.

If someone who knew my name said they will tell me how they knew my name after I enter their home, Gurl I would get out so fast. Faster than usian bolt. You will never find me going there

If someone who knew my name said they will tell me how they knew my name after I enter their home, Gurl I would get out so fast. Faster than usian bolt. You will never find me going there

Igotnothingonmymind created a topic of Turning

Did it had omegaverse.?? Wasn't it just about humans having superpowers.???

Always the bolnde ones . *sigh* ರ╭╮ರ

Igotnothingonmymind created a topic of Meteor Orbit

"I'm japanese pls don't talk about yaoi in public" I'm wheezing

I'm so sick of the "righteous bastards" acting like they are embodiment of justice when all they have is superior complex and nothing more. Even in chap 79 that pyung guy kills the girl and what does that hairband dude does. "Oh it's unfortunate a commoner got killed but no matter my priority is to safely get pyung to safety".
Ik both sides are not good but at least the not so righteous sect does so in open eyes

Ughh I'm so tired of side characters (?) thinking they are all that when they can't even do their roles properly

Igotnothingonmymind created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Now I know why everybody is freaking off for the nipps.? Goddamn

Okaaaaay no matter how many times I try to read this I haven't been able to since that chapter with fake pregnancy (+2,3 more chaps) cause how is gurl so sure she will find the man she spent her old lady days with.?

I mean isn't it common sense that face changes when you get old, and miss girl doesn't even know who that man is. All she has is the name. I'm sorry but I'm dropping this. I can't continue reading this when this big of a pothole is there and I just go in circles

Igotnothingonmymind created a topic of Ianryu

That mf with purple eyes is MC's( the one who is getting graped) lover's older brother.?!!!!!

I didn't liked the way hwa treated zero even before the time skip but the latest chapter has me questioning her character. Like she knew, she knew zero wasn't a human, she placed a spell on him and didn't even educate him.
Like he was so anxious and all she did was side with ML. Like she didn't even went to comfort him. She said she considers zero to be like a brother ( I think that was what said) but no one who treats someone like a family would behave that way.

Chapter 108
I'm so confused rn. What did that woman had against taepong and why did she wanted him.?