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Quacck! created a topic of Like Flowing Water

Sorry gurl da moment ya shout that out loud, ya got cross out( or more earlier than that scene maybe)..~ Like sheesh I hope Yi Soo gonna be fine tho AaAaAA.. my poor heart can't take this..

Quacck! created a topic of Libido Effect

Glad I come back that all. Got something new to ship lmao

Quacck! created a topic of Crush and Burn

But turtles' blood lmao? Why I didn't think of that to feed vampire it's so funny.

Cain thought as family love while that vamp (ughh sorry not fan of him while I got other 2D vamps I love (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧ lol ignore this one) thought more than love..

Quacck! created a topic of Lessons for Your Pet Human

I'm hooked. The fact he could become smaller was WOW didn't see that coming lol~

Quacck! created a topic of Turning

A great cliffhanger no less I shall be waiting patiently~(~‾▿‾)~

Quacck! created a topic of Kang Yise's Happy Ending

And then toot.. to be continued\(゚ー゚\) yup goes to my list~ I was about to play the dramatic part in my head with my tears ready with that earthquake vibration lmao I shall save my tears for another chapter lol

Quacck! created a topic of Night Fragments

SRSLY GLAD BUT I'M BROKEN COZ HIS HEART BREAKS my poor Arrie not mad just frustrated AaAAaa

Quacck! created a topic of Double Complex

Brother love. I've read worse or maybe not so imma gonna turn off my brain warning whenever I read sensitive - this kinda stuff but yeah..

Quacck! created a topic of My Glow Up Story

Out of curiosity yes now I'm waiting for more. Glad she didn't get plastic surgery n just use make up instead, it's her choice anyway n kinda rooting for Yumeko silently. Go go Yume!

Quacck! created a topic of Lovely allergen

Aaa please don't tease like that I'm jealous~
He be like: I know every shortcuts he take n he gonna ask questions later on, also I know how to divert his attention (~‾▿‾)~
Aren't ya paying attention to lil one and ya so sly for being such a tease!!〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

Quacck! created a topic of Love in Orbit

Like plz that jerk called father, hurry up and fade away. Coming back and saying let's be a family again makes me wanna punch u so bad. Glad to see Gabin n sacha scene again(hella cuteee) , the only source to relief after seeing that jerky father.

Quacck! created a topic of My Damned XXX

I did teared up on the break up scene and plz, will that lil scumbag( that lil bro n my tears fade away lmao ) get smack for real? I seriously hope so(~‾▿‾)~

Quacck! created a topic of Royal Wedding (Bamilssi)

I'm enjoying, like super giddy to see his face every chapter lmao, the infamous alpha with blue eyes, no kidding ( ˘ ³˘) go into my list~

Quacck! created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

I luvvv his brother oredy lmao only to know he got someone already AaaaaAAAA (༎ ෴ ༎) issokay I shall be ur rag at home or something delulu me~

Quacck! created a topic of Vampire Kiss

Why no sucking blood lmao I might lil bit obsessed with vamps standard about must sucking blood scene aww...

Quacck! created a topic of Love in Orbit

How bout I smacked ya instead old man? Ya making me go sour MEANWHILEEEEE
AAAAAAA GABIN IS SHO CUTEEEEEE. The fact Sacha care bout him despite plugging his ears lmao, I'm rolling for all the cuteness
くコ:彡 くコ:彡 くコ:彡

Quacck! created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

BUT I LUVVVVV U GUYS, U TWO are my shipping so u guys must luvvvvv each other Aaaaa, I even bookmark this ch for da kiss lmao ( ˘ ³˘) ain't no way I'm gonna miss that aha~

Quacck! created a topic of Silent Lover

Oh plz I could just torment in imagination sheeshhh, the audacity!!! Again, just imagine we could torment them in our mind

(ノ ̄皿 ̄)ノ ⌒== ┫
im here just to release my angry feeling now I feel better after reading, got fictional character to blame lol

Quacck! created a topic of The World Without You

That actually stab deeper than I thought. Didn't see that coming I mea- ༎‿༎ just dust ya know..

Quacck! created a topic of Old-fashioned Cupcake

I just can't stop loving this one. Definitely loved this. I was totally in kid mode, giggling and rolling around for this AAAaaa~( ˘ ³˘)