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Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Marry My Husband

This is me being me petty but the you're prettier/more handsome without glasses is offensive af lmao

Why are glasses always so badly seen, this is so rude for no reason

You know, for someone who was isekaid, he got used really fast to the omegaverse and to be discriminate cos of that

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Half of Me

what kind of stupid toothbrush idiot are you, he went through a rough time in part because of you ???? you imbecible cheater ??? i'm ??? flaggerbasted by how he dares come here asking how he is now ??? what the fuck man

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Akuheki

The only thing i want here is for Daimon to just get a happy ending and not with Kojima lol

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Shadowless Night

I'm sorry but anyone that you don't know that well and you are wary toward who would have taken your necklace like that without warning deserves a fucking punch, this is very invasive

Back off dude that's creepy af

Wow, amazing ! ~ asked a question

Does anyone have bl recs where one of them is a villain (mafia, literal villain against heroes, demon, whatever), be it the mc or ml, but he is not a red flag toward the love interest, like yes red flag villain but not red flag romance and he goes apeshit crazy going on a rampage or the like cos something happens to his bae or something like that ?? and not unreciprocated love

it's cathartic af

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Ordinary Person A

are we just gonna forget that he floods the whole city ?? okay then i guess

the comments are so funny, i can't read this but from the comments it's obvious that it has the same syndrom of good to bad as the drama, cos was it BAD in the drama after they got together

first 6 episodes are good but after that, i was just dying from how bad it got, couldn't even finished it that's how mad i was, they lost all their chemistry and just ?? what the hell was sarawat doing man

anyway good reading and good luck to all the survivors out there that are still reading this trainwreck, y'all are god's strongest soldiers (i sure was not)

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of 19 Days

this is the kind of reading where you're like what am i reading right now but this is so fascinating in its stupidity that you just can't stop


Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Semantic Error

he angst he attac but most importantly he RUN

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Night Song

this artist could draw the most boring thing ever and i would still read it

Aside from the grooming shit that isn't grooming, i'm kinda disappointed that hyu in's ex lover is i don't remember whats his name from the present (well reincarnation but same)

That's romantic and whatever, i like this trope but i would like someday to have this except the ex lover from the past ISN'T the actual one, and the ml or mc moves on from his past (and the ex isn't a toxic one, they just moved on after a tragic fate or wtv)

If anyone has any good recommendations like that i'm all ears, in the mean time i'll enjoy this one !

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

He is so weak to puppy eyes, also, bro, you're gay

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Who's Spying

I don't want to become a motherfucker but i will do it if it means destroying this woman till she dies a horrible death

I won't hesistate bitch

You know, as much as i love this and grandpa is cool, he is also quite... Harsh. I mean, in her previous life, she was as much deserving of what she has now, except the only difference is that she is not growing up, she is already a grown up, and that's why he is recognizing her now and not in her previous life. That is very sad for me, cos it's like he doesn't allow her to be a child, and she has to DESERVE his affection and attention.

I understand that this is noblesse and bourgeoisie but still, it's dumb and stupid, especially since his attitude makes people, like Tia's father, not coming to their full potential. They're wary of him, if not scared, and you can see that in this chapter where the kiddos are very shy toward him.

Anyway, my point here is that grandpa is cool but he is not a very good grandpa or dad. It's easy to like him now since Tia manages to litteraly win his affection cos she's not acting as the child she is but as a grown up who understands his expectations when she should never have to do this as a litteral child.

Being delulu is not the solulu sometimes

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Half of Me

When an unstoppable grumpy clown meets an immovable deadpan buddha

I love them already

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Bad Friend

One of the best bl out there tbh