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Cattail's experience ( All 0 )

Cattail's answer ( All 2 )

Me rn: (There's nothing I wanna change since I love how I look rn, I just want my actual hair in RL to look like this, and grow out my bangs since it's really hard to style)   1 reply
10 hours
Cattail is Male, has green curly hair, purple eyes, is 1.61m tall and is rude. Goofy ass   reply
11 hours

Cattail's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did touched grass

i want to lay down in it every time

43 minutes
did touched grass

I'm one w the nature

1 hours
did chat about anything

i genuinely talk tm both irl&online since i was younger like i js dont stfu for example i’ve answered sm of these thingies for wat…

4 hours