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iamxrae January 4, 2018 6:35 am

Wow, that ending was kind of abrupt, but at least there were no loose ends. It jumped from all of them in high school and Sugao kind of in the nowhere with Sensei, and then the two cuties moving in together and Sugao showing up with Sensei in tow. Nothing linking the two scenes together, really. Oh well, I loved my two cuties, and Sugao was "meh" and Sensei is still an asshole for pulling that stunt in chapter one (Sugao second place asshole for going along with it) - I don't care if he was emotionally scarred. Just because someone hurt him in the past doesn't mean he can be a royal prick and purposely hurt others. What he did was really malicious, imo.

iamxrae December 29, 2017 3:46 am

I liked the first story, but couldn't get into the second one. It was well written and thought out, but just not my thing. Melvin and Hugo had a past together, but in waltzes Edo at a most crucial time, right before a juxtapose, managing to sleep with them both but realizing they still loved each other, so he gracefully bows out to leave them to their rekindling. When Hugo came on to Edo it left me wondering what was going on inside Hugo's head. And when Edo gave into to Hugo's advances it made me wonder what was going on inside his head (except he did say something like he couldn't stop himself). And that Melvin just kind of let the whole thing go when he saw Edo and Hugo together left me wondering what was going on inside his head. And when Edo and Hugo were having sex while Melvin was in the other room and could hear them, it left me wondering what the fuck was going on inside all their heads.
The first story was a bit more straightforward. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Lucy2 January 18, 2018 1:34 am

    Same here...The second story was a little bit confusing and sad as hell. I see that both ex loved each other but Somehow i could feel something between Hugo and Edo...(I though that they will end up together...) it hurts

iamxrae December 14, 2017 1:14 am

I read the raws and my spoiler comments are here if you're interested:

iamxrae December 2, 2017 2:55 am

I kind of figure that as long as Ikkun and Hana stay true to their character, things will be just fine.

Edit: Judging by raws, looks good. I love Ikkun and Hana - love their personalities and their relationship!

iamxrae November 23, 2017 10:07 am

Comments about the socks? Socks are no biggie - it's when they get their pants off and they're still wearing shoes - that's when I believe yaoi characters are super-human. Have you ever tried to take your pants off with your shoes still on?

    Mariel November 23, 2017 7:41 pm

    yup...i did ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Jazz November 24, 2017 6:50 am

    The struggle is real

    Anonymous November 24, 2017 7:52 am

    you can still take off your pants while wearing shoes, it might be difficult if you're wearing skin-tight jean or legging though

    iamxrae November 26, 2017 3:15 am
    you can still take off your pants while wearing shoes, it might be difficult if you're wearing skin-tight jean or legging though @Anonymous

    It's possible yes, but it's not fast. I'm constantly amazed how quickly and effortlessly yaoi characters manage, for example, during a quickie in an empty class room.

iamxrae November 22, 2017 3:35 am

I don't feel like it's really a "love triangle." The main couple are dating and love each other, and the 2nd seme is trying to nose his way in, which is annoying, but in this case the uke gave in and gave it up, physically (well, he was tied up, but he "wanted it" in the end). The 2 semes are friends and rivals, and boyfriend seme apparently is jealous, but not so strict as to break it off if something happens with the other two. Weird dynamic.

iamxrae November 21, 2017 7:13 am

I'm just a little afraid that Ayumi was the nearly perfect guy that Araki slept with in the past. Like Araki isn't already trying to stir up enough trouble.

    Denzil November 21, 2017 7:17 am

    Yea it's gotta be Ayumi lmao

    iamxrae November 21, 2017 7:25 am
    Yea it's gotta be Ayumi lmao Denzil

    Noooooooooo!!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Denzil November 21, 2017 8:05 am
    Noooooooooo!!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 iamxrae

    it was a one night stand that Ayumi already forgot about lmao, DO THE SAME ARAKI

    reika November 21, 2017 8:08 am

    Sorry meant to press like!!

iamxrae November 18, 2017 2:34 am

I read the raws as much as I could, probably won't read this when it's translated. Cheating isn't my cup of tea, but I love this mangaka and was hoping the story, even with the cheating, redeemed itself. But what bothered me the most was that the uke looked unhappy from beginning to end. Unhappy (bored? unsatisfied?) with their long-term relationship, unhappy that he found the dark haired guy attractive, unhappy while he's cheating, REALLY unhappy after his long-term seme beat the crap out of him for cheating, unhappy when they separated to put distance between them, and worst of all, when the seme told him he wanted to meet again, to see his face, to go on a date, and then apparently get back together, the uke didn't look happy about it, just meh. Total meh-ness from the uke all the way through. The only time he showed any major facial expression was when the seme caught him in the middle of cheating, and then he just looked scared shitless and panicked. *sigh* I love this mangaka's other stories. Hope she puts out more like those.

The thing is, it's the main seme's business if he loves uke so much he wants to get back together with him, and risk it all again. I think he should have just moved on. Since the uke couldn't give him a reason why he cheated (there's no good reason, ever, really), then as a couple they won't know how to repair their relationship and prevent it from happening again. Cheating for no reason except being attracted to another person and going with the flow means the chances are high he'll do it again. And he had sex with the other guy more than once, so it wasn't a "oops I fucked up this one time, not gonna chance it again," he went for it again. Uke deserves to be dumped.

    animefreak November 18, 2017 6:33 am

    Totally agreed the Uke deserves to get dumped

    inori November 18, 2017 11:51 am

    You're right about Natsu. I mean wth is his deal! I think that although he does loves Arata, he just got bored with their relationship. Not that that is an excuse for cheating, there is NO excuse for it. But the mangaka should give Ryouma a story. He's a victim too

    texan November 27, 2017 3:15 pm
    You're right about Natsu. I mean wth is his deal! I think that although he does loves Arata, he just got bored with their relationship. Not that that is an excuse for cheating, there is NO excuse for it. But th... inori

    I have yet to read this manga. I read the comments 1st b4 making up my mind. You call Ryouma a "victim also", did he not know that Natsu was already in a relationship? After a "few times" he never found out? In sex there are no victims (unless it is rape), because you either say yes or no. If there is a 'problem'-chalked it to to experience, learn from & keep on going but for Gods sake do not blame others for your decisions...manga, fiction, reality-that is life.

    pennyinheaven November 29, 2017 8:48 am

    Unless you have been into a long term relationship as theirs, exactly like theirs, first loves of each other and keeping at it up till the present, I don't think any one would understand Nacchan's feelings for cheating nor Akira's decision to keep the relationship going. And because I haven't experienced any from Nacchan or Akira's perspective, I can only imagine and somewhat understand. Also for Nacchan to cheat again since his reason was so superficial, why do I read a lot of comments not considering how he was badly beaten up? He was beaten to death, almost. That leaves scars as bad as cheating does, probably even worse. So if Nacchan decides to leave Akira for beating him up is also valid, even if he started it first he did not deserve to be beaten up like that. If I'm not mistaken Nacchan was also raped, well dub-con but it was violent.

    pennyinheaven November 29, 2017 8:54 am

    I am not saying Nacchan gets a pass to cheating but I am saying none of them were innocent nor just the victim, both have committed pretty much crimes on each other. Akira is not a victim gone berserk, he had the choice to stop. Both did not deserve what happened to each other but they can't help but love one another. Thus staying together fits for them, no one else can tolerate each other.

iamxrae November 14, 2017 3:50 am

As far as rape scenes go, at least this one had a proper response from Ayumu - a limp dick. If it was a dick re-drawer or the mangaka, either way, kudos. I don't like rape scenes, but I don't make a fuss about them (this is yaoi, pass if you must), and I think it's so stupid to show an uke getting raped with a raging hard on. Come on, gay men are horny and love sex, sure, but that doesn't mean they'll get an erection for any kind of sex. Violence, pain, and fear are excellent libido killers.

    iamxrae November 14, 2017 3:54 am

    I should have said "men" and not just "gay men" and well, pretty much just include most humans in that too, but men mostly due to their uncanny ability to get hard when even just a light wind touches their penis.

    Ι_read_everything!damn-it! November 14, 2017 8:59 am

    I am not sure if the hard on is from a response of the body though, especially after a hand job or a massage on the prostate. I remember reading about some women raping men and the men were questioned how they were hard. But i agree with you. The limp dick is so rare in rape manga that is getting ridiculous! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    iamxrae November 15, 2017 9:09 am
    I am not sure if the hard on is from a response of the body though, especially after a hand job or a massage on the prostate. I remember reading about some women raping men and the men were questioned how they ... Ι_read_everything!damn-it!

    I think women raping men and men raping men are different. A straight man getting a hand job from a relatively normal looking woman, even if it was forced and against his will, is on a different level. The mind is saying stop, this is wrong, but the body says, hey feels good. If the victim thought the woman was ugly, and she had him tied up and was beating the shit out of him, he would have to be a serious M to get an erection. And of course there's all sorts of other factors, are they gay, straight, higher or lower emotional levels, pain tolerance/intolerance, personal mind set, and tons more.

iamxrae November 11, 2017 9:06 am

SPOILERS, SORT OF, AND SOME THOUGHTS. This is much deeper than it appears to be, but still cute, sweet, sad, and funny all in one. Maybe should have memory-loss and psychological tags added to this manga. Anyway, my take:

From what I can read of the raws and sort of understand. I can't guarantee the accuracy because I didn't pull out my dictionary, so my apologies.

To start, Ryouta has lost his memory due to an injury when they were kids, and Acchan blames himself. The reason why it seems like Ryouta has a split personality is because those scenes are happening inside of Acchan's mind. He's feeling guilty, and imagines a very different Ryouta, one that blames Acchan for what happened, and punishes with sex. Maybe it's Acchan's love and lust for Ryouta, along with his guilt that's making him imagine things this way? I think it's why Acchan chooses to be uke - his guilt makes him submissive to Ryouta. I'm not sure if they do have sex IRL at this point, hard to tell. At the end of volume 1, while Acchan is sick in bed, there is a scene of Ryouta standing outside of his room. Then, Acchan sees Ryouta standing by his bed, then the blow, job, etc. - but that's Acchan's delusion, and he's calling out "Ryou-chan, Ryou-chan." Hearing him, the real Ryouta enters the room to check on him, and that's when Acchan kisses him and says "do it like always." It appears they masturbate together (beginning of next volume), but no penetration IRL that we know of at that point.

In the next volume, Acchan finds Ryouta in an alley way, appeared to have been beaten up. This is the alley with the wall and the stone blocks where Ryouta was injured as a child, and it reminded Acchan of what happened when they were younger. So next we see the flash backs to their childhood, Acchan's mother's death, why he started cooking, and how he met Ryouta. The accident was when Ryouta was being bullied and Acchan intervened, and was cut under his eye with a knife by one of the bullies. Acchan tells Ryouta to run away with him and during their escape, jumping over a wall, Ryouta falls and hits his head on some stone blocks. So then Ryouta is in a coma. He wakes up 2 years later - he recognized Acchan but wonders why he's so big, and wants to know what he's going to make to eat. He's still his sweet innocent self, but has lost his memory. Acchan on the other hand, is full of guilt. That's why he's always saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" and "I made a promise" but Ryouta always wonders why. His promise was to always protect Ryouta.

Later, Ryouta is badly beaten up by Sora-kun, the long haired bully, but ends up fighting back and punching Sora really hard in the stomach. Ryouta takes the beating in stride and still tries to be friends with him. As a result of that beating, his head starts to hurt, and it appears that he regains some of his memory of what happened when they were kids. After telling Acchan that he remembers, Acchan still feels super guilty and always apologizes, but Ryouta forgives him (of course), tells him it's okay and that he loves him. At one point they bathe together, and end up making love. Ryouta seems innocent about it, surprised by his reaction (and erection) to cute Acchan, and this is what makes me wonder if they've actually had penetration sex before or not. Anyway, gotta wait for translations to figure that out.

Since big-hearted Ryouta has been trying to befriend Sora, Sora starts to have feelings for Ryouta (repeat, starts to), but sees what is going on between Ryouta and Acchan. Sora means "sky" btw, which has some meaning because somewhere in there Ryouta tells him he has a nice name, and points out the beautiful sky. Short part, but sweet. The last page we see Sora spilling a few tears, telling himself, ah, it's too late. He was an asshole, but a short backstory gives you some feelz.

Will there be a story for Sora?

    iamxrae November 11, 2017 9:29 am

    Ooh, I forgot one of my favorite parts. After the bathtub sex, Akito has a dream where he comes face to face with the dream alter-Ryouta, who looks down to take the hand of the younger Acchan. They both turn and walk away, and then both become the children they used to be. I think this is Akito finally letting go of his guilt.

    Sekiryu November 11, 2017 9:39 am

    Holy crap this makes SO much more sense now

    danderesan November 11, 2017 10:37 am

    Sorry... i want to thumb up.

    hersheycoco December 14, 2017 10:08 am

    Thanks. I thought it was gonna be like this other story I read where the dude had legimite had multiple personality disorder. Another one collected trash and was a horder due to childhood trauma. And last one was imagining aliens to cope with his childhood rape. I thought this story was going in that direction and gonna go super dark like this other manga with head trauma.

    Anonymous December 15, 2017 7:44 am
    Ooh, I forgot one of my favorite parts. After the bathtub sex, Akito has a dream where he comes face to face with the dream alter-Ryouta, who looks down to take the hand of the younger Acchan. They both turn an... iamxrae

    It doesn't explain what happened to Ryouta's parents though? And Ryouta was also looking at the sister with that dark look while Akito was sick in bed. So it wasn't JUST Akito's dreams.

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