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Hazley answered question about i'm looking for friends
Every time I see shit like this I breathe a sigh of relief after finding out I'm not on there, then realizing I never will be
Hazley answered question about question
I was just thinking how much I wish I wasn't exposed to some things on the internet so young, I hate it even now seeing all those things and having that constant influx of information is painful and confusing. I'd try to limit internet access but it's also important to understand things like that so I'd probably try to explain everything I could an......
Hazley answered question about question
Yes kinda, my friend is my valentine but I hope someone else asks me or sends me something. Also I have exams like what seems to be 90% of the people on here so I really would just ignore the celebration if not for a dear friends birthday the day before.
Hazley answered question about question
UNO's starting a how to become known 101 class
Hazley answered question about question
Anyone else feel like they rarely get genuinely angry? I remember some times when I was angry but those were over 6-7 years ago. Some of them were angry crying and I remember it being hot and infuriating. I think it stems from an inability to properly express your emotions.
Hazley answered question about your opinions
Cats vs. dogs. All of my childhood pets were dogs so inevitably I thought I was a dog person, but when I got my cat that opinion totally changed and now, although I still adore dogs, I find I prefer cats. (Wasn't that recent cause I got him a year ago but still)
Hazley answered question about question
Please read this it will only take a moment. Get a pet. Best way to die happy. As a person who tried to off myself and survived for years in misery I'd first like to say, mental hospitals aren't fun, so don't stick yourself there. Can you please give it another 10 years maybe? Find something that makes you feel less like killing yourself? You made ......
Hazley answered question about unpopular opinion
To me, anything more than 5 years is weird. It's just something that I've always had as the limit for myself, and I find that most of my friends and partners have agreed. But I'd say for anyone else as long as it is a healthy relationship, you were at least 20 when entering it, and the age gap isn't over 15 ish years, it's fine as long as it stay......
Hazley like the answer
You know that artist Halsey? (Hall-ze) Well she was my best friends favorite artist, my dead best friend that is. I always pronounced her name (Haze-le) in my head so I to honor my late friend I use Hazley, which also happens to be what I use for other anonymous stuff :) Pretty wholesome considering the site
Hazley asked question about your opinions

I heard some people on here have revealed their faces, obvi most people won't do that but like what level of anonymity are you guys comfortable with, do you think its weird for people to share about themselves tons on here?

Hazley like the answer
oo so pretty, I would want to live in a time where I could look like that. Please don't burn me though, the hair is natural and I haven't killed anyone yet.
Hazley answered question about your opinions
Your proof that you are indeed chronically online, both the op and the listed guys be careful out there
Hazley answered question about unique personality
I was always that young kid in advanced classes so I had some people who were really friendly to me and some people who just hated me. The people who hated me would always try to compare exam grades with me and on the final for this one class they had taken bets mostly guessing how hard I was gonna fail, I got a 1 and most of them got 3s and 4s. I ......
Hazley created a topic of The Beast Within

Mind numbing

Hazley answered question about turn into a guy
Sounding aggressive and really long words also obsessed with good insurance
Hazley answered question about question
Find a technique that keeps your brain active, try pomodoro, go on yo*tube and look up pomodoro 50/10 for however many hours you want and study with that damn person on the screen until it tells you to stop for a break. Exams are hard but if you do it right you'll be fine if you can try to see what the lowest possible grade you can get and still p......
Hazley answered question about question
Uploaders, the nice ones ofc but I'm scared cause they're too bright and shiny. Anyway befriend me if u want
Hazley answered question about question
Well I ski and snowboard but those are pretty expensive, I kickbox which is fun, working out has become quite the hobby and I also like to read actual books which has also got me into researching about different things that interest me