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Hazley answered question about question
Oh lets see, I work and go to school, take care of my cat and attempt to take care of myself. Uni wise I'm in a rough place because I'm stuck between 2 different paths and it's a huge mess. I'm a struggling violinist who is on a "break" because of a recurring wrist injury and lack of motivation. I also do a lot of creative writing, from poems t......

Barely even paying attention to what's going on anymore, just focusing on lil dude. He so cute

Hazley answered question about question
Damn I don't know if this is serious but yaoi is generally geared towards women, often straight women. It's not making you gay, you just horny which is what lots of yaois are meant for. if it does make you gay, well then just consider it life enrichment I guess
Hazley created a topic of Fly Me To The Moon

wtf is going on we skipped 3 chap! Its better than nothing! Hope it continues

Hazley answered question about question
Nope, weird glad it didn't happen during my time on here I only got like 30 min rn man


Hazley created a topic of Bride of Ignat

You have no idea how many times I've reread this

Hazley answered question about lmao
If trauma is bad enough your brain can give itself amnesia! It's called dissociative amnesia, it's considered uncommon but there are varying percentages given for the amount of people who have it. Most people who do won't even notice till they're told or until someone else brings up something they should remember. It can span from only a few months......
Hazley answered question about question
No one is obligated to support a person whose beliefs go against their own. However, I'd like to point out the absurdity of taking the opinions of celebrities seriously. If you like some persons music/acting/content whatever, and they aren't channeling their beliefs into that then I don't think you should have to stop consuming what they produce si......
Hazley answered question about turn into a guy
I would just make myself violently vomit from anxiety on a daily basis so I had to go to school either way until my later years when I stopped hating school and was trusted enough to say when I felt too sick to go to school
Hazley answered question about question
Hazley answered question about question
It's a no when: bad art, translation, plot/story. I hate (for yaoi) the bitchy lil short 'badass' uke. Same goes for manhwa/manhua with the snobby, idiotic, or unaware FL. Cheating puts me off too, like no. I obviously don't condone rape, nor do I search for stories with it but it doesn't make it a no for me. It defo makes the story not as good an......
Hazley followed a list
Hazley like the answer
I had this literature teacher who always supported me. I had won the research award for a paper I wrote, I showed him the award and paper and he lit up and was super enthusiastic about it. He gave me a high five and told me how proud he was. I told him I was very surprised I had won it because I wrote it very jet lagged, he said I always did amazin......
Hazley answered question about question
I had this literature teacher who always supported me. I had won the research award for a paper I wrote, I showed him the award and paper and he lit up and was super enthusiastic about it. He gave me a high five and told me how proud he was. I told him I was very surprised I had won it because I wrote it very jet lagged, he said I always did amazin......
Hazley answered question about your opinions
I've always hated olives, beans, and capsicums and I've always loved mangos, dragon fruit, and papaya from where I grew up (not store bought ones, gotta be fresh)
Hazley answered question about question
Just read some smut (not actually a good coping mechanism tho)
Hazley answered question about question
You can write it down or even talk with yourself, like a back and forth. kinda detach part of yourself to just give the other part of yourself answers and overthink things for you. Therapy is an option but it can take time to find the right person and build a connection.
Hazley followed question about turn into a guy

Sad wholesome comics to make me feel something :) I love bittersweet stories that make me cry. The manga Orange is the first book to make me ever cry. I love that story to bits and pieces. Please give me more beautiful stories to cry to.

22 04,2024