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Hazley answered question about your opinions
Try not to think about it or just dont take a shit?
Hazley answered question about question
I don't really play much games but when I do it's mostly just Stardew There's more but I like watching other people play stuff more like the horror or horror survival crafting games
Hazley answered question about question
I read on manga owl on a school computer (not doin that anymore but at the time I wasn't reading NSFW) but it got blocked so I had to find another site don't rlly remember but probably looked it up on google. I started reading on here a good year or so before making an account
Hazley answered question about question
Bet the author found some cockroaches in her bed and now solely lives off of eating raw cockroaches she finds between her sheets. It's a form of revenge that only really torchers herself
Hazley answered question about question
Oh totalllly, I've got this weird thing where a scene from a random movie, show, book, manga, anything will vividly replay in my mind and I will get the never ending urge to go read/watch/whatever the scene or even the whole thing. Sometimes I remember the name of whatever it is, sometimes it stays stuck in my head for years
Hazley answered question about touched grass
Nope noooooope, I have had some traumatic experiences with centipedes that have sent me off the edge of hating bugs. I used to love bugs and would pick them up and let them crawl on me (I was pretty young think like a 3-6 yr old) But nooooot anymore. I have a visceral reaction to talking about centipedes even seeing and typing this damn word make......
Hazley followed question about touched grass

Dedicating this question to the stink bugs that are trapped in between my window and the window screen. idk how the fuck they got there but they're chilling until their inevitable, slow death. But they are not my favorite bugs; my favorite bugs are Armadillidiidae (aka rolly polly bugs.)

14 04,2024
Hazley answered question about question
It's the aftercare that I actually love. The actual play they have is weird and causes me way too much second hand embarrassment, but I still love the genre because of how dependent they are on eachother how sweet the ones I've seen are. I'm in it for the care and affection that is a decently large part of the genre.
Hazley like the answer
like 2-4? I knew because my parents showed me illustrated books on the whole process of fertilization and everything, they are both medical professionals, so I knew that people had sex to make babies and I knew how it all worked. I learned more of the actual act at like 9? Hearing stuff, accidentally seeing stuff, ya know
Hazley answered question about chatting on omegle
like 2-4? I knew because my parents showed me illustrated books on the whole process of fertilization and everything, they are both medical professionals, so I knew that people had sex to make babies and I knew how it all worked. I learned more of the actual act at like 9? Hearing stuff, accidentally seeing stuff, ya know
Hazley answered question about question
I always mention Jujucat when I see a question like this!! He uploads such quality stuff, whenever I see that a manga I'm reading is a Jujucat upload I know it's gon be good. All hail the dependable uploaders!! And Jujucat srsly, I'm always hyping him up cause he doin so much. I'd legit cry is he left us
Hazley answered question about question
I'd just use it to live my life, I live in the most expensive city in my country and I already have a sufficient salary to live the comfortable life I do so It wouldn't really do much more for me. I would probably buy a new laptop cause mine is getting old and maybe a new scratching post for my cat.
Hazley answered question about hate their parents
I think it's normal to hate them, they are human too and as their children we face every one of their mistakes head on. Taking them for granted is normal too, you don't have to see reason in their every abusive action, and rationalize every hurtful word, which means you don't have to be grateful for every half decent thing they say or do either. ......
Hazley answered question about question
This has been going on since the stupid thing was released, just shut the fuck up everyone
Hazley answered question about be lgbtq
It's all confusing, people have different views and opinions on all of the things you mentioned, in reality there is no right or wrong answer, you will only ever find opinions, science, and lies. But I'd like to clarify, sexuality and gender are two wildly different fields.
Hazley answered question about question
Hi, I'm Hazley, I really really really love my cat. He is a Black cat with orange eyes, hes basically just a massive puffball. He's the sweetest most loving thing I've ever met (only to me though) I refer to him as Kat when I write about him cause its easier than his name.
Hazley answered question about help please
Might as well flip a coin
Hazley answered question about scary
So the video is called Quiero agua or I want water, there are posts about it being taken down but it is there. Something that has been put on the internet can never be taken down completely. If you have the misfortune of even looking up this video you will be greeted with the bloodied face of a person missing their skin, if you have seen something ......
Hazley created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I binged this super fast and was legit counting down the days till the upload and THIS is what I get? NOOOOOOOOO I'M GONNA DIE! I wish there was like a mass upload or like an oopsie wrong storyline haha here's the real one.

Hazley answered question about survive 2020
It's possible it's just a benign (noncancerous) growth. But if you are sexually active I would get a test for HIV because condylomas or basicly anal warts can be a sign of that. As far as I know they are benign but do increase your likelihood for anal cancer. An illegal yaoi website is not the place for medical information, and unfortunately nor ......