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airingela created a topic of The Bad Boy Omega BL Fan

I do enjoy reading omegaverse but who want to be a part of it? Almost all of omega stories have rape in it. And besides the obv disadvantage of being omega, being an alpha is also scary bc you can lose your sense to omega pheromones and rape them. It’s a fucked up universe made just to entertain bl fans lol

airingela add 1 photos to Cute

It’s so cute how they still sleep together despite Naui being mad

I don’t usually enjoy twisted dynamic but something about this just draws me in

airingela created a topic of Cherry Doll Scandal

I love how the seme is cool with his virginity. Idk why some (or most) people think that it’s embarassing to have not lose your virginity in early age as if fking around a lot is a cool thing. It kinda annoys me whenever the character thinks it’s shameful for being a virgin or the other character looks down on people who are still virgins.

Where’s mineeee
Dang I wish it would really be this easy lol

airingela created a topic of Jinx

Dang I thought the light haired dude is a green flag. This author is a pro at making shitty red flag seme lol. But at least the second couple is much better than the main ig. I haven’t even finished the main story but I’m really looking forward for the side couple (=・ω・=)

“Let’s become men and graduate together”
Idk if this is supposed to be romantic or funny

If I find it hot, I read :>
Judge the authors and the readers all you want. It’s not like it’ll stop the authors from making shitty rapey yaoi lol

What did the phone ever do to you

airingela created a topic of Last Love of Youth

Pacarnya cowok is one thing, tp pekerjaanya tu lhoo wkkwkwkw

I need to see them become a pair and have babies

airingela add 1 photos to Cute

The peace sign

airingela add 1 photos to Cute