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zeynep created a topic of Isabela

The art and panelling is soo good, idk where the story is going but damn really nice art

2nd ml should just go away and find someone else, ruining everything by coming in between them

zeynep created a topic of Pellua Iyagi
zeynep created a topic of A Whirlwind Campus Affair

this should have no romance honestly should have focused only on friendship cause the writer just can't write romance and it just ruining the manhwa with boring duded and love triangle and fl isn't even interested in one too but suddenly will fall for one in the end??

zeynep created a topic of Free in Dreams

siyun wasn't certain that he killed her father or not?? are y'all even understanding what that means Her father absolutely trash ofc should have died idc but siyun killed him or not this is danger sign lol he can potentially harm her too

it doesn't matter how he tries to change himself it wouldn't work like that ++ they're aren't adult don't know how to handle such emotional mess and trauma

zeynep created a topic of Free in Dreams

siyun will stab jeongmin in upcoming chapters? this spoiler fcked me so bad like I don't want to say anything

I am just hoping from author to give me my happy ending where siyun is getting his regular therapy sessions and is healing, also same goes for Jeong she got lots of trauma too and need help

zeynep created a topic of Free in Dreams

did jeongmin got no idea that siyun is that fcked up like he need professional help!!
girl send him to therapist don't let him stay alone ik you are angry and stuff but bro need help

zeynep created a topic of Free in Dreams

idc if cliff is mind controlled or whatever he got on my nerves and annoyed me alot so i would just hate him

idk what was that in last panel is lize drowning herself or what new drama is this

zeynep created a topic of Hoshi Furu Oukoku no Nina

the comment section is filled with really annoying people from where y'all came in herd lmao
and about this manhwa it's good and better than most isekai manhwa ones out there
the fl is annoying I got you but things get better idk I feel really protective towards her cause she grown on me and same for ml
honestly maybe you should keep reading cause I dropped it too for same reasons y'all complaining here but after keep reading I liked it alot like ALOT

why some of the mangas i end up liking always get super slow update