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zeynep created a topic of I Can’T Wait To Eat You

now our miss fl will find only hyunjin the problem not her bf

fck lehan forcing his feelings on her like she told you gtfo but this dumbass can't understand
And what's with "you are jealous" saying to rupert ik your ass is insecure

zeynep created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

I am so scared now how tf he will react and bro need to beg for forgiveness for the sh1t he did or did he forgot about it??

zeynep created a topic of I Can’T Wait To Eat You

damn ml is very pretty but bro you are actually disturbing her!! And i hope fl break with her trash bf

killian brought a gift for edith and she was so happy, I hope we see more such development in their relationship so that they can fully trust each other especially edith

lize is super annoying like girl leave the couple alone, you are so embarrassing

zeynep created a topic of Cry, Even Better If You Beg

Duke was really like she left me lmao
tbh I don't get it why leyla is overthinking about that that duke should feel embarrassed?? ain't that was his own personal space like they did mentioned that than why he supposed to feel embarrassed

zeynep created a topic of Welcome Home, Papa

just checked the first chapter bro this girl fcked up and need therapy

zeynep created a topic of Secret Lady