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NightmareWhisper December 4, 2018 2:53 am

I am starting to understand why people dont like the stories where the rape victim falls in love with the rapist. I normally mind them but THIS ONE. Holy shit. the Seme had the fucking nerve to ask with a smile how the uke felt after being raped. Like what the ACTUAL fuck? Who even asks that. And the uke is now inlove with him!? What the fuck ever

    shieme December 4, 2018 3:27 pm

    and it looks like a foreplay rape game. pfft~~

NightmareWhisper December 1, 2018 12:16 am

*looks at uke* *stomps on Protect Button* Today. *grabs weapons and puts on a cap* I have found my calling and it is my worn duty to protect this beautiful traumatized boy

NightmareWhisper November 30, 2018 11:47 pm

Bakugo my boy you never disappoint

NightmareWhisper November 30, 2018 9:46 pm

Ok warning contains spoilers. Now People probably wont agree with me but oh well this is my unpopular opinion. For starters let me just say.. im disappointed in the uke. I hate him and i hate that ugly seme.

NightmareWhisper November 30, 2018 4:01 am

For starters i dont trust this "new" sangwoo. The guy who isnt trying to murder everyone with a knife and is... trying to be a boyfriend? To bum. I dont know. Honestly my brain is kinda like What the fuck is even going on. I do however feel kinda bad for sangwoo with his whole mother situation. Hes has some serious trauma and with sangwoo calling bum "mom" must mean that she.. made him have sex with her or tried to. Which im not looking forward to seeing. Then sangwoo with the milipeed/centipede thing

    youraedthiswrogn November 30, 2018 9:15 pm

    But it already showed her raping him in ch 56. Right before he said mom. Look back, Bum has no socks on and straddles him, then he seems to have a PTSD flashback as it shows his mom (wearing socks) straddle him after she seemingly hit him over the head (his head is bleeding) and tied him down.

    NightmareWhisper November 30, 2018 9:48 pm

    Oh damn. Poor sangwoo.

    youraedthiswrogn November 30, 2018 10:58 pm

    I say PTSD because, if you look, Bum is straddling him while wearing his mom's apron and that seems to have resulted in his hallucinations and calling Bum mom. Because everything was so similar to when he was raped, he went back to that time in his head. If you look at his dialogue, i believe he mentions that chapter that he had actually forgotten everything. Repressed memories. He thought he killed his dad, then remembered it was his mom and he has flashbacks about the rape after.

    Natsumi_ November 30, 2018 11:21 pm
    But it already showed her raping him in ch 56. Right before he said mom. Look back, Bum has no socks on and straddles him, then he seems to have a PTSD flashback as it shows his mom (wearing socks) straddle him... youraedthiswrogn

    That butt is clearly Bum's, you can see they are on the table and there is food spilled all over it.
    The socks are a mistake, Koogi frequently does that. I'm not saying that the mother didn't rape him, but that one is 100% Bum.

    youraedthiswrogn December 1, 2018 12:17 am
    That butt is clearly Bum's, you can see they are on the table and there is food spilled all over it. socks are a mistake, Koogi f... Natsumi_

    I disagree. The situations were very similar, that's why he got Bum and his mom mixed up. You say there was food there, well it's shown that she used to make his food, remember the poisoning incident? Also, Bum is skinny as hell and apparently looks like Sangwoo's mother as Sangwoo's been making parallels the entire manhwa. It looks like she raped him on the dinner table. It's because the situations were so similar that he had flashbacks. But, if you can find a quote saying the socks were a mistake then i guess i'm wrong.

    youraedthiswrogn December 1, 2018 12:32 am

    I guess i could see it being the case, maybe the sex on the dinnertable is Bum and Sangwoo and the flashbacks happened elsewhere? We don't really see where she raped him. It just doesn't make sense, contextually speaking, as Sangwoo had a moment where he looked at the apron on Bum and implied it was his mother's and then there was also the whole "babe" moment where you can see it was his mother that used to call him that. It looks like Bum is getting more and more similar to his mother following up to the sex scene and Sangwoo's memories start to return because of that, then during the sex scene he has a flashback of how his mom raped him along with what seems to be two similar looking people. One wearing socks and one not. Since it's the similarities bringing back Sangwoo's memories and both in the sex scene and in the flashback Sangwoo's lying on his back, the implication is that he was ridden. The way he replies to Bum saying "i feel good too. Mom..." implies that his mom rode him and asked him if he feels good to confuse him. As i pointed out, she made all their food and the focus on the apron implies the rape may have happened on the dinnertable. If it was just the sex that triggered his memories, that makes no sense, Bum has ridden him before. The trigger was the apron, "babe" and riding him all together, because it was how his mom raped him.

    youraedthiswrogn December 1, 2018 12:45 am

    What further supports this is that, wasn't the flashback prior to the sex flashback of Sangwoo's mom in the apron calling him "babe"? If she was in an apron, she was cooking. Then there is the rape flashback. So, she cooked food and then raped him on the dinnertable.

    Here you can see Sangwoo making parallels between his mom and Bum again, you see a table of food:

    Natsumi_ December 1, 2018 5:07 pm
    What further supports this is that, wasn't the flashback prior to the sex flashback of Sangwoo's mom in the apron calling him "babe"? If she was in an apron, she was cooking. Then there is the rape flashback. S... youraedthiswrogn

    I don't think it's a flashback, more Sangwoo confusing Bum with his mom, and hallucinating her. She doesn't wear an apron when she runs in the kitchen. And she is barefoot so she's not the one wearing socks :/ He knew she was trying to poison him, what are the chances they had dinner together after that? I think the scene where she supposedly raped him happened in the basement, since Sangwoo is tied with tape on his mouth. i don't think it happened exactly in the same way ( sex on the table etc.), there are already too many coincidences it would be ridiculous

    youraedthiswrogn December 1, 2018 5:51 pm
    I don't think it's a flashback, more Sangwoo confusing Bum with his mom, and hallucinating her. She doesn't wear an apron when she runs in the kitchen. And she is barefoot so she's not the one wearing socks :/... Natsumi_

    I want to clarify something first, there is like a 99% chance she raped him based on that page and her dialogue right before it talking about "killing something without really killing it". Putting that aside, you know, i had assumed the apron was hers because when Sangwoo got home and saw Bum wearing the apron, Bum asked what he thinks and Sangwoo said it's perfect and started thinking of his mother. Bum then went on to ask if he could call Sangwoo babe and the similarities built, bringing up more memories. Thinking about it, there is no reason to assume the apron was hers though, i'm thinking maybe he just meant the apron itself. His mom used to cook for him, aprons represent cooking. I'm thinking that he just saw Bum acting like his mother and the apron added to the feel. I guess the apron wasn't hers, she doesn't wear it in the flashbacks. Though the owner of the apron doesn't make a difference to what i had been saying, but i did want to agree that she doesn't wear an apron. What DOES, however, is you pointing out she wasn't wearing socks. It looks like you MIGHT be right about the sex scene being about Bum and Sangwoo; she raped him, but maybe not on the dinnertable. I don't think that those were JUST hallucinations, i think they were Sangwoo making parallels. I think he really does have similar memories with his mother, there isn't really anything unthinkable of Sangwoo having a memory of his mother cooking for him on christmas like Bum did. As far as him eating her food after the poison, no reason to assume the christmas he's remembering is after the poison. Have you considered that the rape happened on a christmas before he found out she was poisoning him? She tried to "kill him without really killing him" first, he repressed his memories of the rape, then later she decided to poison him to really finish him? We know the memories were repressed as Sangwoo says so himself. I think i agree with you that the dinnertable probably wasn't where he was raped though.

    Natsumi_ December 1, 2018 10:07 pm
    I want to clarify something first, there is like a 99% chance she raped him based on that page and her dialogue right before it talking about "killing something without really killing it". Putting that aside, y... youraedthiswrogn

    I don't think Sangwoo has been raped before the death of his father, at least this is what I always thought, that the rape happened after he found out his mother was poisoning him, so a couple days after she murdered her husband ( I still wonder how Sangwoo will convince the police it was a double murder with a break and enter), but maybe I'm wrong because Koogi didn't show everything clearly and the flashbacks are confusing.

    btw i think the red apron Bum is wearing is hers, just like the long skirt he wore with his country whore outfit

    youraedthiswrogn December 2, 2018 12:13 am
    I don't think Sangwoo has been raped before the death of his father, at least this is what I always thought, that the rape happened after he found out his mother was poisoning him, so a couple days after she mu... Natsumi_

    Oh, i don't mean before his father died, i was thinking sometime after as he's shown to be about that age in the rape flashback. So, sometime after his father dies, during a christmas before he finds out about the poison? Though i'd like to clarify that i'm just spitballing here based on the information you pointed out.

    I was thinking it's hers, but you pointed out that she's not wearing it. I still feel like it could be hers, but now idk. I think it's implied it's hers.

    Natsumi_ December 2, 2018 1:01 pm
    Oh, i don't mean before his father died, i was thinking sometime after as he's shown to be about that age in the rape flashback. So, sometime after his father dies, during a christmas before he finds out about ... youraedthiswrogn

    I don't think so many days have passed since the father died, because it would be absolutely ridiculous. I have already suspended my disbelief that sangwoo went to school normally as nothing happened after they set his father's fake suicide. Sangwoo told the police it has been a double murder with break and enter, i woulkd find ridiculous if this situation with his mom will go on for long.

    The apron is hers because we have seen her wearing it in some memories/flashbacks. I find stupid that Sangwoo still keep it around amd let Bum wear it considering how triggering is for him though :/

    youraedthiswrogn December 2, 2018 2:21 pm
    I don't think so many days have passed since the father died, because it would be absolutely ridiculous. I have already suspended my disbelief that sangwoo went to school normally as nothing happened after they... Natsumi_

    He went to school, but it wasn't normal, i'd imagine. He blamed himself, i imagine he hid it. So, i believe he actually made it into college after his father died and before his mother poisoned him, or at least that's how it looked to me in the flashbacks.

    Natsumi_ December 2, 2018 3:19 pm
    He went to school, but it wasn't normal, i'd imagine. He blamed himself, i imagine he hid it. So, i believe he actually made it into college after his father died and before his mother poisoned him, or at least... youraedthiswrogn

    No, according the facts told during season 1, the death of his parents happened in his last year of high school then he immediately entered university because only three years have passed since their death until the beginning of the story. Sangwoo spent one year at the university and almost two years at the military, so it's also likely the father was killed during the last months of high school : Korean school year ends in February and starts on March, so it's possible his parent(s) died the same year he started university.
    I always thought, since Sangwoo staged a double murder, that they died one shortly after the other, but it doesn't seem the case and at least some days have passed though, but not so many months.

    youraedthiswrogn December 2, 2018 3:36 pm
    No, according the facts told during season 1, the death of his parents happened in his last year of high school then he immediately entered university because only three years have passed since their death unti... Natsumi_

    In ch 56 Sangwoo says there is someone who "calls" him babe, so i'm wondering if his mom might still be alive somewhere. I suppose it could be a mistake?

    Natsumi_ December 2, 2018 3:42 pm
    In ch 56 Sangwoo says there is someone who "calls" him babe, so i'm wondering if his mom might still be alive somewhere. I suppose it could be a mistake? youraedthiswrogn

    I wouldn't trust the English translation if I were you. Even though I'm not sure the mother is dead or still alive, the English translation is not reliable. A lot of things are changed ( babe is one of them, I talked with a Korean speaker who told me it's a bad choice of translation) and there are mistakes, a lot of mistakes.

    youraedthiswrogn December 2, 2018 4:03 pm
    I wouldn't trust the English translation if I were you. Even though I'm not sure the mother is dead or still alive, the English translation is not reliable. A lot of things are changed ( babe is one of them, I ... Natsumi_

    I see. I'll keep that in mind, thanks. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Natsumi_ December 2, 2018 5:04 pm
    I see. I'll keep that in mind, thanks. ლ(´ڡ`ლ) youraedthiswrogn

    You're welcome :)

NightmareWhisper December 2, 2018 5:25 am

Goddammit I cant believe Wonyoung isn't being eating alive with guilt. Hell i feel guilty and im not even in the story. Im dreading the fact that Yoon might find out that Wonyoung is only using him. My heart wont be able to take it

NightmareWhisper November 28, 2018 3:20 pm


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