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i am a trashcan created a topic of Omega Bite

eeeeeh?not worth reading im afraid

Sure hongyeon is pushy but mc is also a pushover and fr whY does he need to give counseling to the pink dude, besides it doesn't feel like he's doing anything else other than telling people whether they're compatible or not

i am a trashcan created a topic of Susumu X Minoru

One of the best bl manga I've read latelyyy SOOOO GOOD 10/10 RECOMMEND

i am a trashcan created a topic of Gig of the Day

See, now we officially have beef, Taeseo. When I tell you I would DIEEE for Yeomin ohmygod seeing him makes do anything makes me kick my feet in happiness I love his personality SOOOO much and now I see thisssss? I didn't expect anything better from Taeseo but damn at least pretend bro, don't hurt his feelings like that aaaah I don't wanna see him hurt

i am a trashcan created a topic of Monday'saviour

Those post it notes almost made me cry that's so adorableeeee I'm glad he at least got to have a few happy memories with his mom tho

i am a trashcan created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Welp that was a pretty uneventful first season

i am a trashcan created a topic of Nerd Project

ain't no way he's still calling it "practice" lmaooo wake up bro

Jaehyuk's character development>>>>>>>>>>

i am a trashcan created a topic of Jinx

Bruh is it me or are the chapters getting shorter and shorter? Jinx I'm also wondering about how far in the story we are at this moment

Danggg he really have him an invitation without explaining anything he doesn't care about the poor MC's feelings

The plot is kinda forgettable and a bit too silly in my humble opinion, also the chibis are low-key ugly and this is a big pet peeve of mine lol

SLAYYY I can't wait for them to finally solve the kiss misunderstanding letsGoooOOOOOO

i am a trashcan created a topic of To deny the route

Ilyas endings are soooo creepy I love it