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i am a trashcan created a topic of Backlight

gawd is anyone even rooting for this insufferable mf atp?

i am a trashcan created a topic of Love in Reprise

Oh wow he's a huge piece of shit

i am a trashcan created a topic of High Clear

Can we get a spinoff with the hot mean sunbae pls

i am a trashcan created a topic of Waterside Night

wdym “TSSSS” man every time I see this sfx I think that they're sizzling chicken or sumn


i am a trashcan created a topic of 2020

The official translation is so funnyyy

I’m so disappointed in 7years relationship of uke… why this author just so like to make her ukes non-virgins?

i am a trashcan created a topic of My sweet dear

Is that a loanshark or an uncle of his? How does he even remember dogun lol

i am a trashcan created a topic of To deny the route

I always have so much fun reading this

i am a trashcan created a topic of High Clear

Wow another misunderstanding how shocking, more importantly DOYOON SUNBAE PICK MEEEEE, CHOOSE MEEEEEEEE!!!! I hope we see more of him in the future, he's so.

Geumwoo's eyebrows arent as dramatic as they used to be in the first chapters... I'm disappointed

i am a trashcan created a topic of Touch Up

I feel like this is just going in circles, sawol gets on a bad situation, other dude arrives a bit too late but saves him and then they have a small period where they live peacefully until sawol gets in another bad situation and then the circle starts again like where is this going

i am a trashcan created a topic of Be, Be

Y'all rlly weren't joking when u said u had to turn or brain off to read this... The plot development pace and dialogues are so... Idek... It's like a middle schooler wrote this entire thing.

i am a trashcan created a topic of Regas

WHAT DO Y'ALL MEAN ABEL IS CHANGING APPEARANCE????????????? I'm literally gonna drop it when that happens lmao????????? Why tf... The disrespect towards big boys...... What a waste................ I'm gonna cry

i am a trashcan created a topic of Insomnia

didnt understand a thing

can't believe it really ended aaahhh I'm sad

i am a trashcan created a topic of To deny the route

Does ilya himself not even know what he's feeling hence the question marks?? He's so kewwwwt

If ur thinking about starting this, DO IT ohmygod there are such few genuine BLs like this nowadays. You will feel all the feels in the best way possible