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Someone pls get poor mujin a boyfriend I feel so bad for him

i am a trashcan created a topic of Gig of the Day


I just came here to say that the girls boobs in the cover look like a huge ballsack rather than boobs

i am a trashcan created a topic of Jinx

"you have to come running to me when I say so" bruh isn't that the exact same thing Jaekyung said to Dan? Ig Mingwa has no imagination whatsoever lol same story different font

i am a trashcan created a topic of Undercover Darling

He looks SOOO GOOD with dark hair aaaaaaaaaaaahhh

i am a trashcan created a topic of Backlight

Well this has officially earned a 1 star review by me

i am a trashcan created a topic of Jinx

Mingwa rlly thinks that this season was slowburn... The only thing burning was my brain. I think there should be SOME development in their relationship for it to be considered slowburn and there was none

I've been loving pretty much every update of this and I've been reading it ever since it was first uploaded on here, im definitely going to miss it sm when it ends!!!!!

Never really loved beastpeople manga but this is definitely the best one I've ever read

i am a trashcan created a topic of Contradict

When's the main story going to be concluded

Bruh I literally can't stand looking at naui anymore why has he been looking so stupid in every single panel with the "3" mouth all the damn time.......... I rlly miss his original personality

i am a trashcan created a topic of Shining Summer

For the longest time I was actually convinced that all of the swapping thing was only in his head caused by the trauma bwahahha

i am a trashcan created a topic of To deny the route

I'm screnshotting every single ilya panel he is the cutest thing EVERRRRRRR

i am a trashcan created a topic of Sunshine Shower

I don't like how he's just doing and saying whatever the hell he wants

I love how angsty this is aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh

i am a trashcan created a topic of Double Bell

3rd story is craaaaaazyyyyy hahahha wasn't expecting this at all