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Whatev_r8 created a topic of I Don't Want to Work!

IMO, the whole "prove my innocence" thing is so rushed. She claimed to be amnesia but the deduction thing she did is contradicting that statement ( ̄∇ ̄"). Nvm.

Regardless, I like the FL so far. Hope it gets better! Bookmark for now.

I really, REALLY invested with this AU. The focus on Opera and Kalego is soooooooo enjoyable but I believe it will be more from here on since Azz-azz has entered the stage! (I went 'gosh! Finally!' the moment that panel enter my vision XD)

Cannot wait for the next one!


Chung myung: "I have never had kids before"
Me: "Awww this grandpa!"

I have always deem him a brat coz of that attitude, a really cute-lovely but lethal once you piss him off- kinda brat but this chapter reminds me that he was an old soul, aloof one too; only close to certain people so, reading his monologue was so very touching.

Go go Mount Hua! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

The artist's drawing of that filthy little bug they called a prince is really well done, it pisses me so much and I need Laura to give another hell of punches, one isn't enough, never enough.

Laura, girl, please do so until the artist was forced to draw him in blur and go get your revenge. But please, no plot twist where Layla is the hidden mastermind or something, I kinda have enough of that ( ̄∇ ̄")

Whatev_r8 created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

Mephisto unintentionally breaking the 4th wall :D

Whatev_r8 like question

Any story recommendation which got similar vibes with "Heesu in class 2" and "kisses x kiss x kisses" ?? I WANNA READ SOME FLUFF SHOUNEN AI OR YAOI ┗( T﹏T )┛

I can't get enough! Llyod can rule the hell but nah, that's too much of a bother so, let's make a deal!

Next chap, let's see how the King of Hell make a deal with the devil :D

Whatev_r8 answered question about chat about anything
Count me in. I thought it's cuz of my bad connection but I guess it isn't.
Whatev_r8 followed a list
25 10,2023

It is a really good AU as it still used the OG plot, and Opera and Kalego are so damn fineeee, I squealed every freaking panels XD

Can't wait for others to appearrrrrrr

Whatev_r8 created a topic of Kill Blue

I am soooo glad it only took 2 chapters :D

Whatev_r8 like question

romances where the love interest (female or male) is androgynous :3c

It is still a bit far ahead tho, we are just arriving in Paradise, and they will do this and that, then next floor and this and that until the last one, the final scenario for this arc.

I can't help but thinking they will put it in hiatus after that. If they were, well, i believe those who only read the manhwa so far will def gonna read the novel, can't blame them ( ̄∇ ̄")

Whatev_r8 created a topic of The Best Smell

The latest special chapter was specially for making me feel so single~

They are cute nonetheless and they grew up well ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ

I was lol-ing when Cale started to caress Ong's head so lovingly and Ong was '???' Hahaha Cale, you deserve an award!

Anw, almost forgot about Adin until he was mentioned, I was like "Oh my, there was someone like that, huh?" since I only remembered the white-star. Hmm, I need to re read the novel part 1 soon.

Whatev_r8 created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

I always knew that when someone in manga change their usual hairstyle, they bound to make difference in their appearance. But, but! In Eggy-sensei's case, it was on a whole new level.

He just let his bang down and suddenly he looked so soft in my eyes and sooooo huggable that I spent minutes to stare at that thankfully big panel.

Tbh, I always thought Eggy-sensei might be older than he is supposed tb since well, he looked older with that ever-present scowl, even after learning the days with Balam-sensei and Opera-senpai (but in the end, I still fell for him!) so I kinda need to double check if he was the "little" brother since his older brother looked younger than him.

Then this chapter enlightened me. Thank you for the eye candy! :3

Also, I am glad the convo ended well (ngl, I kinda nervous when he threw that question!), cannot wait for the beach surprise!

Whatev_r8 created a topic of Faded First Love

Thank you for uploading! I am so happy it's finally here since it has been ended for quite a long time in the raws (my jap is so-so (´ . _ . `) )

Anw, it's end huh? It was a really good ride. I wish there were continuation of this (cannot get enough of them). Def one of best sho-ai in my list!