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Cherry created a topic of Sketch
Cherry created a topic of Backlight

Everything aside, can I just say the uke is so dang pretty? Especially in the latest chap??! Just so cute and pretty like

Isn't chap 41 supposed to be uploaded already?

Cherry created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Seeing the comments it's disappointing how most people here fail to notice the small yet important details. Everyone is just so quick into labelling a character as a rapist like what are they even reading

Cherry created a topic of Merry Marbling
Cherry created a topic of Backlight

Wdym it's better when it hurts a little the first time? This chap was so hard to get through even though I've had my fair share of stories with toxic bl tops. This shit is just insane

Cherry created a topic of Wet Sand

Ppl saying they love TJ despite him being a red flag?? Like wdym y'all he's the entire green forest

I mean I saw this coming and I was worried too but damn it's kinda funny

Cherry created a topic of Jinx

Hopefully season two doesn't involve jaekyung treating dan like a loan shark, blackmailing and making him pay back with his body or some cliched crap like that. I need him to yearn, beg for forgiveness and actually reflect on his mistakes and issues.

Cherry created a topic of 1 to 10

It's funny how people always have a bone to pick no matter how good the manhwa like most new manhwas these days are cliched...toxic bfs, friends to lovers, misunderstanding leading to unnecessary drama and the list just goes on. But this manhwa is fresh & real good for a change like.. com'mon people! Also ppl saying the uke is weird for breaking up because they're not hung is funny because everyone has their own preferences lol

Cherry created a topic of 1 to 10

If this isn't the greenest thing I've read

Cherry created a topic of Serious Joke

Came for the cute romance but ended up with a mystery trope that has outstayed it's welcome. Can we please focus on them falling for eo now?

Cherry created a topic of Fancy Mate

Anyone willing to explain this latest chap?

Cherry created a topic of Shining Summer

Miscommunication right off the bat?

Cherry created a topic of Another Lie

Is this how you're supposed to end a season? A fricking cliffhanger? Atleast give us the full story first.

Cherry created a topic of Limited Run

I wanted to see more of them from the main story

Cherry created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

This doesn't make sense how do I wait for another week after this?