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Cherry created a topic of High Pulse

Dude is such a wuss. Tired of his cringeass monologues too.

Cherry created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Did that piece of shit get a pic of em making out in the garage

Cherry created a topic of Jinx

author nim why the cauliflower ears tho, like lmaoo

Cherry created a topic of Define The Relationship

They be buying such huge ass houses just for a person

Cherry created a topic of Define The Relationship

I was really waiting for an entire chap of hot sex..I'm kinda disappointed ngl..

Cherry created a topic of The Man At Night
Cherry created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

Ok but that dude really deserved to have his finger cut off

Cherry created a topic of Written in the stars
Cherry created a topic of 2020
Cherry created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

We need more couples like this who actually talk and not fuck their way out

Cherry created a topic of Perfect Buddy
Cherry created a topic of High Pulse
Cherry created a topic of Backlight

Not that one look of the seme's angelic face and him deciding he made the right choice like too soon bro

Cherry created a topic of Just Twilight

I feel the author is putting in a lot of effort to make the brown haired guy unlikeable so that we don't feel conflicted about the endgame cp

Cherry created a topic of Sunshine Shower
Cherry created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

Whew! That was one heck of an update

Cherry created a topic of Sketch
Cherry created a topic of Unholy Night
Cherry created a topic of Cry Me a River