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DMcKen created a topic of Red Mansion

Can anyone recommend similar stories to this where both the seme and uke and crazy and toxic? I've already read killing stalking.

DMcKen created a topic of Sura's Lover

Did you guys notice the ring sewn on his finger? Yikes. I hope Cho-ah can die peacefully atp.

DMcKen created a topic of Steel Under Silk

The uke's penis on page 11 looks so weird, took me right out of it. Sometimes I prefer lightsabers...

Also, maybe the uke's gaslighting is working on me too but is he maybe a little smitten?

Ik everyone wants him to suffer but I don't want any misunderstandings.
Also, this is why you mind your damn business. Also, assumptions make an ass out of you and me.

DMcKen created a topic of Wolf In The House

I have some major beef with the victims.
1. Your son tells you to leave the house and run because it's dangerous. Not only do you stay, you let random people into the house? That's some kind of stupid, feel free to chose what kind in the replies.
2. You work with super dangerous people doing sketchy shit. You know you have family and people you care about but you still cross your dangerous employer??? Are you brain dead?

Now, I'm sat here wondering if this woman was worth the life of yourself and your mother.

DMcKen created a topic of Slammer Dogs

That bottle of cum might be the most disgusting thing ever. Do you know how long it probably took to fill that bottle up? So it's probably fermented and shit.

Also, ik I shouldn't laugh but them giving him fake boobs sent me

DMcKen created a topic of Heart Racer

Why wouldn't you wait for viking to be alone before you shoot him??? Why do it in such a crowded place when people are around?

DMcKen created a topic of Jinx

I wanted JK to lose and fuck up his shoulder but not anymore. If he loses now, he's just going to be a cunt to poor Dan. Yaoi Gods, please let this asshole win so he's just a regular asshole and not a super nova cunt.

DMcKen created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

Those rock hard abs with the baby bump was certainly a choice...

DMcKen created a topic of Backlight

I know hae-yool was acting a little crazy this chapter but seo-in sending hae-yool's RAPIST over to his house is foul. I legit dropped my phone.
That is so evil fam, hae-yool for sure didn't deserve that.

DMcKen created a topic of Stay With Me

It's crazy how he acknowledges that Doha is his brother but still feels proud to share how he assaulted him. He truly is sick.
He should be protective of his little brother, instead he takes pleasure in breaking him down.

DMcKen created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Jesus christ man, another smut scene? Can we get some plot please? It feels like the little plot we do get is just to service the smut.

DMcKen created a topic of Kagurabachi

Somebody sure has a brother complex...

DMcKen created a topic of Young Master

After reading chi no wadachi/blood on the tracks, I have some trauma around people being pushed off cliffs.

DMcKen created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

The friend is not dead.

DMcKen created a topic of Red Mansion

Can't he count? That was way more than 3 words. Maybe they meant 3 sentences?

DMcKen created a topic of Bloody Lies

What TF is Dominic wearing???

DMcKen created a topic of Yours to Claim

I'm happy Cain's older brother paid him for his app and didn't just take it.

DMcKen created a topic of Double Trap

In some of those panels, that bussy looked like pussy.

DMcKen created a topic of The Boy And The Wolf

This is read left to right, correct?