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natsu created a topic of Nerd Project

those two duke are so fruity, like unintentionally they got chemistry only married couples have n I'm totally here for it!!

natsu created a topic of Okuremashite Seishun

dating is not enough!! i want them married by next chapter!!! they're so cute

natsu created a topic of Backlight

that sloppy flashback ain't gon makeup for his shitty behaviour!! give me a solid character development or give me sexy hyung making mess outta our boy!!!!

touched him once, now can't keep his hands to himself

jealous ryuuji is yummy!!! give me more!!!

natsu created a topic of Uruwashi no Yoi no Tsuki

that's like 10th time his brother has been mentioned in recent eps, I reckon new character incoming

natsu created a topic of Nerd Project

confession, communication, give it to me all baby!!!!

natsu created a topic of Waterside Night

i knew something was off!!! all those lovey dovey moments were eventually leading to this!!!!! I wanna scream give him back!!!!!

natsu created a topic of Shangri La no Tori

slow burn like this makes me wanna jump from a building

natsu created a topic of Shangri La no Tori

slow burn like this makes me wanna jump down a building

given his autistic ass, I bet he'll come out of this unscathed

it's ok to not jump right into relationship, I love a good slow burn n plenty courting so this is right up my alley

she's probably the only female character w a big chest who is drawn elegantly and not like as if her chest may fall any sec

natsu created a topic of 1 to 10

one of very few ml who knows how to draw a line when a third party interrupts their dates

natsu created a topic of Backlight

ew i hate him!!! like I've let pretty tops w horrible personality get away w sm stuff but something abt him just ticks me off, not even his gorgeous face can make up for actions

when two dominates looses control it's fuck fest for three days lmao