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ajax created a topic of Cold-Blooded Beast

This was so confusing, i can literally say i understand math more than this plot

ajax created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

Wait so at the begin of the story, you’re telling me he kissed his bro (even if it ain’t biological) ??

ajax created a topic of Chiguha Kuna Kisu

If you look closely you can see me hanging in the tree in the last little side story. (they’re so cute)


ajax created a topic of Dead man Switch

So bro just sees the future or?

ajax created a topic of Form of Sympathy

Yohan rlly wasn’t lying when he said bro was batshit crazy. I fee like i just personally experienced a crazy relationship

ajax asked a question

it was a bl (i think it was) with a really handsome guy who made himself unattractive for school with like glasses and stuff and i kind of dont know how the plot goes anymore but i believe one of his classmates found out or something

ajax created a topic of Codename Anastasia

For anyone who has already read this (novel or whatv) is my boy ever gonna be in something sweet with blondie or?

ajax created a topic of Take Off (Jui)

Please tell me someone will upload the whole thing here i am not going to go constantly switch from webtoon to here and back

ajax created a topic of Payback

cutie but he really isn’t that bright huh

ajax created a topic of Nerd Project


ajax asked a question

its one of your typical 5 chapters high school bl but it had a red or pink cover and it was between a delinquent and a good student (who was called alien by others.) good student guy has black hair and glasses and delinquent has blonde i believe and lots of hoop earrings on one ear (▰˘◡˘▰)

ajax created a topic of Honey Trouble

We were so close to a cute story but no


i was actually gonna say his dad was hot when he was young but not even 2 slides further and i was already disappointed

ajax created a topic of The best luck of my life

Why hasn’t bro bought a lottery ticket yet?

ajax created a topic of Nerd Project

ugly and a psycho, choose a struggle mate

ajax created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

why were inseo’s parents literally twins, for what do they have the same hair, eye and skin color

(Was his name even inseo? I forgot)

ajax created a topic of Gig of the Day


ajax created a topic of Studio of Longing

did i know who was who? No. Are they both pretty? Yes

ajax created a topic of Wet Sand

Safe to say im extremely confused but jo is rlly pretty atleast