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minaori like the answer
being able to sleep and go on your phone without guilt that you’re supposed to be doing other things
minaori answered question about question
I want my parents to say "We are proud of you son"
minaori followed question about question

What's your biggest red flag? Mine is constant jealousy ( ̄∇ ̄")

19 12,2023
minaori followed question about question

What's your biggest red flag? Mine is constant jealousy ( ̄∇ ̄")

19 12,2023
minaori followed thing

1660 people did   /   1224 want to do

22 11,2023
minaori like the experience about girl in my class
I know, you use this site.. and I just want to tell you that: Stop chasing your ex and start chasing deadlines.
minaori followed thing

22 people did   /   7 want to do

02 10,2023
minaori answered question about love myself
*Sleeps * *in a deep slumber* (Proceed with the story)
minaori followed question about question

Why today image loading so slow when using multi pages. I thought the problem is my internet. But when i check, my internet speed is fine, When i open YouTube or other, theres nothing wrong. But when i read in mangango, the page is really reallllllyyyyy slow. Yesterday is fine, but today why so slow? (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

17 08,2023
minaori followed a goer

Horny demon lol

10 07,2023