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minaori May 26, 2024 2:55 pm

I kept my phone in fridge 1 hour and forgot about it
Now it's ice cool

    CaCtiBish~! May 26, 2024 3:20 pm

    Lol why did you put your phone in the fridge for?╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    freshpangurl04 May 26, 2024 3:53 pm
    Lol why did you put your phone in the fridge for?╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ CaCtiBish~!

    Sometimes, our phones are overheating due to overusing it / the temperature of your room etc. I also put mine on the fridge for it to cool down.

    CaCtiBish~! May 26, 2024 3:58 pm
    Sometimes, our phones are overheating due to overusing it / the temperature of your room etc. I also put mine on the fridge for it to cool down. freshpangurl04

    Huh? Guess that makes sense, usually I just turn my phone off to cool off.

minaori May 15, 2024 4:09 pm

I have been trying to find
'Be the good to my bad' bl for an hour
But I have not found it on this site
Share the link ymif you can

minaori April 21, 2024 2:20 pm

I don't remember much please send a link if you know what I'm talking about
So I got to this channel through ads

It was 2-3years ago so t don't remember the details

The main duo were two android or something
One is a boy with black? Brown? Hair his name is punk kun
One is a girl with white hair maybe..
The girl was the one to imagine a image and the boy was the one to create it I don't remember properly but maybe one of them turns into a weapon probably the boy
There are other characters like them that have formed a duo also Android or something all of them protecting their home and their mother
The girl's curiosity leads them to a big big disastor
Together they fight against a human with blonde hair and white attire
The androids live in an earth like planet or maybe earth
They get betrayed by the human
The human has a spaceship
The human are the bad guys and the android or something are the good guys
In the end punk kun is all alone keeping his promise

minaori April 3, 2024 1:39 pm

Any bl similar to liveta?

minaori March 31, 2024 5:32 pm

Any opinions about probability anyone ?

    yeetthechild March 31, 2024 7:02 pm

    You mean as a topic in math?

    minaori April 8, 2024 7:32 pm


    yeetthechild April 9, 2024 7:31 am

    Absolutely hate it, 0/10, I think it is nearly impossible to learn. Whenever I see it on the exam paper I ignore the question and move on to other ones because whenever I try to solve one I fail.

minaori March 15, 2024 12:36 pm

What happened to i cannot find it

    Freakydicky March 15, 2024 12:56 pm

    Theres a possibility that they changed the name of the site i used to watch in but they changed the name since i was logged in my acc was still saved.

    minaori March 15, 2024 1:05 pm
    Theres a possibility that they changed the name of the site i used to watch in but they changed the name since i was logged in my acc was still saved. Freakydicky

    Okay thanks

    mitski March 15, 2024 1:40 pm

    i think the site is down alrdy :((

minaori March 14, 2024 3:27 pm

Human are flawed that's why I have a love and hate relationship with humans

Any recommendations for manga whose story shows this at the peak

    CherryTree March 14, 2024 5:49 pm

    Interesting request !! You made me think!

    CherryTree March 14, 2024 5:55 pm

    In BL i especially liked '' Who Can Define Popularity '' and '' Jazz for Two '' in term of personnality of the characters (all shades of grey vs black and white, opposite to the vision of '' good vs bad '' and in relation to '' perfection '' , as well as Lost in the Cloud and Never Understand and Semantic Error and Salt Friend ) _ ? I would be curious to know if that's the kind of stuff that you meant.

    CherryTree March 14, 2024 6:08 pm

    Only the last one is BL. _ If you enjoy BL with a plot i also really No Moral , Payback and Checkmate, and also that one > it's super slow burn. i am reading the novel it's good! The youngest cop is a hero but he might be hiding something ..

    Jenny March 14, 2024 6:11 pm

    Sorry I know you wanted manga, but please watch Durarara! That’s literally the theme of the story haha

    CherryTree March 14, 2024 6:16 pm

    Ha ha !! I have noticed you said Manga just after i had posted all my links :-D

    CherryTree March 14, 2024 6:19 pm
    Sorry I know you wanted manga, but please watch Durarara! That’s literally the theme of the story haha Jenny

    Yayyy a non-BL series that is also an anime !!! :-oo i am hyped !!!! Thanks Jenny ! :-)

    CherryTree March 14, 2024 6:32 pm

    '' Kono Oto Tomare '' , '' HunterxHunter '' , '' Death Note '' and '' Devill's line '' can be exhilarating for someone who has '' love and hate relationship to humanity :-) _ they all are manga+anime

    Jenny March 15, 2024 12:54 am
    Yayyy a non-BL series that is also an anime !!! :-oo i am hyped !!!! Thanks Jenny ! :-) CherryTree

    Haha no problem Cherry! Hope you enjoy it, it was very fun to watch! One of the best anime ever honestly

    CherryTree March 19, 2024 8:07 pm

    Also there is something really fun and playful around the identify of '' being a human '' when i read comics with a character who is playing around and enjoying being a dog for fun and just for a while, it makes me giggle _ i really enjoyed ''' leash me up '' and '' make me bark ''
    Also, '' Man's best boyfriend '' seems to be good fun too!!
    I love these stories that make me enjoy '' human condition '' less seriously !

    CherryTree March 24, 2024 8:03 am

    Hello ! I have been thinking about other comics i enjoy reading while thinking '' humanitiy isn't good, or bad, but sometimes it is (?) '' :,-) i don't know what makes you write this post i hope you are feeling a bit better now, i just want to add that i also enjoy in term of plot and in terms of '' flawed characters '' when they are ... What do we say in english ... Other races than just humans, you know ? And that it's a little bit of a different world/ alternate universe, so we find out and their way of life that's '' in their nature '' like vampire/human type of stories and angel/demon or human/angel, human/demon. (I bet you probably know good titles that are interesting with those type of duos, yeah ?) _ i like it because it's an indirect way to talk about '' the nature /psychology / the way instinct and reason+empathy works ''
    I cannot hate a vampire to be what they are (i don't really enjoy thrillers with huge human psychopaths because it hurts my brain. But vampire ? Yes ! Give me fun vampire stories ! They are othen comedic , and interesting in terms of humanity. (They look humans + some ot them are at least partly human in their way of thinking and doing things. It's a bit like sociology and psychology but make it fun and sweet and bitterweet (with action , mystery, and other elements i love it. ALSO GRIM REAPERS :-ooo !!! THAT also ! Is a fun exploration of
    '' humanity '' i like grim reaper stories ! :-) do you ??

    minaori March 24, 2024 6:18 pm
    Hello ! I have been thinking about other comics i enjoy reading while thinking '' humanitiy isn't good, or bad, but sometimes it is (?) '' :,-) i don't know what makes you write this post i hope you are feeling... CherryTree

    Yeah, those are intresting stories. I don't get to read often because I'm not allowed to spent my time in the library or books related to outside of studies so I can't read much... there are few songs which make me reflect on everything and while listening to it i got too indulged and wanted to read a story about what defines good or what defines bad. personally I don't think humans are likable, but then again we get to see their true nature of humanity or cruelty, nothing can be perceived by one pair of eyes every moment/thing is perceived and judged by many pairs of eyes and that just gives way to many possibilities so it would cruel in some way or other
    (And sometimes I just feel empty because of all this )

    CherryTree March 24, 2024 7:08 pm

    Hello you ! :-) i thought about you today, because, have you seen there is a discussion going on, on human nature right now on the main forum?? Were you the one that posted the question maybe ? (I can't see the names of the people posting the threads on the forum. Not sure why. ?) I thought i would tell you because you might be Interested but it also seems to me sometimes we can stay '' stucked in the head '' and not '' see things with our hearts '' if you know that experience, feelings like empathy and compassion or faith, community, connection, passion, (and friendship, and love) are not only '' concepts '' in the intellectual sense, i mean. Those words were invented because more than one person felt something deep in their heart and they realized together that there wasn't a word for it yet? _ some emotions are like that, we feel troubled and we can SEE in our heads, a lot of thoughts,

    Sometimes the thoughts make us feel good
    Sometimes the thoughts make us feel sad and overwhelmed or stressed out and angry!

    Or sometimes it's the opposite,
    The emotion is purely physical, it is PURE sensations and we have no word no thoughts we just feel WARM inside

    I wish you can feel warm fuzzy feelings sometimes !!

    It's possible that you feel depressed = the feeling of emptiness for the moment because you are working a lot and you feel there is no time to make friends ? All work and no play makes the heart go sad :-( i know the feeling !
    And that you don't see the people around you as fun people maybe they are just like you, overworked, and stressed.

    Honnestly i felt a little dead inside when i studied hard to get my diploma i was lucky i found friendly people who had the same zest for dancing, dancing saved me. (Not professionnal dancing, i mean , dancing for fun, on my own in my bedroom after school or sometimes gonsomewhere and dance with other people. We were having fun with no alcohol just to relieve the body and the mind from all the tension of the day and it felt truly liberating i felt so free and close to myself when i danced even only on my own i had a blast.

    You know ? There are things we have in common with animals and that is the need to move our body!! It's healthy to move ! We need to put nutritious mouvement in our lives that makes the brain and the heart and all of our cells smile !!!

    minaori March 24, 2024 7:32 pm

    Yeah no it was not me
    1. You have a point with your warm fuzzy words talk
    2. You are so sweet thank you
    3. I agree with you
    I'll sleep now goodnight from my side

    CherryTree April 1, 2024 4:24 pm

    Hello :-) !!!
    Now I KNOW where else i saw your usr name, it was in my mailbox :-) ok ha ha i didn't make the link before now!

    CherryTree April 7, 2024 2:12 pm

    Hi ! I am reading Durarara bit by bit , i find it very intriguing for now. Still haven't figured out the plot. I like the mood it's refreshing!

    Today i saw this and i wished i could link it to you ! Ah, i think i have found a way to link that page,
    It's propositions of revenge plots that are entertaining to read (but is it good for your karma , i don't know! Don't read if you feel it hurts your brain ! I just thought about you , and it seems those titles are interesting ? Lots of Shoujo.

    CherryTree April 7, 2024 2:39 pm

    I wish i could point you which ones are sweet, or bittersweet , and which ones are mental=darkcore/hardcore , but i don't know i did not read them. I thought about you since you told me you are into writing yourself, so i am just brainstorming with you about plots that could be stimulating and envigorating. (I don't know what kind of medecine song you need to ease your mind !)

minaori March 14, 2024 2:40 pm

Lol I'm still figuring out this site lol
It feels like I'm elderly who has not figured out modern devices like a computer

minaori March 13, 2024 7:34 pm

Today for the first time i met a boy who likes bl other than me

minaori March 2, 2024 2:33 pm

Thankyou for taking your time reading this
Can you give pro tips for my studies I'm in a year where I should have become a studious child but sadly I am not a studious child , please give me your advice on this i promise to follow it by hook or by crook

    mitski March 2, 2024 2:45 pm

    i'm not studious (i'm literally here replying in the comments) but you don't have to force yourself! and "resting" after studying so that you can study again instead of draining yourself.

    here are some tips!
    ✦ learn to focus! remove all the distraction while before you study.

    ✦ make studying your priority, plug studies into your daily schedule.

    ✦ be organized! its very important habit to learn for your brain to work more active.

    ✦ don't worry about other people. if you want to truly be studious, then you have to stop comparing yourself to other people.

    randomname March 2, 2024 2:55 pm

    - list all the things you have to learn by priority
    - chose specific time when you are going to study. For example: Monday from 6pm - 7pm is for studying math
    - set a timer to keep you concentrated. Tell yourself that it's forbidden to anything else except for studying until the timer beeps
    - write notes with the most important information while you are studying
    - if you don't understand something look it up on Google or write it down and ask your friends/teachers the next day at school
    - take a break when the time is up
    - start again, but this time with a different subject

    Yieksel March 2, 2024 3:08 pm

    hi babe, i think you need to reduce some mangago time?

    rainydays March 2, 2024 3:44 pm

    carve out a specific time in your day and be consistent. it doesn’t have to be every day but maybe every other day to start out, or weekends. study in 30min intervals w/ 10-15 minute breaks between each subject. take notes that you can actually understand and pay attention in class (if you are confused about something, ask the teacher to clarify or practice more. it’s important to be aware of your weak spots and to improve on them). depending on when an exam is announced, you should be studying a little bit every day so you have enough time to familiarize yourself with the content.

    J Unleashed March 2, 2024 3:49 pm

    Use a reward system. If you spend x amount of time studying (set a timer) or you complete an assignment that's due, you get to do something you like... like peruse this site, or watch something. Make that a priority. This also works for getting those other pesky things done that you've been putting off.

    I used to do this and it worked really well. My reward was that i got to spend time doing my favorite hobby

    Chiruu March 2, 2024 4:19 pm

    the protege effect, where you teach an invisible audience about the topic you are learning. It means you understood the topic well and can elaborate further on the topic. It helps you learn and study and once you master it. studying will be so fun to you

    minaori March 13, 2024 2:55 pm
    i'm not studious (i'm literally here replying in the comments) but you don't have to force yourself! and "resting" after studying so that you can study again instead of draining yourself. here are some tips!✦... mitski

    Thank you i have been taking your advice lately it's helping me a bunch but I still have a long way to go

    minaori March 13, 2024 2:59 pm

    Thank you everyone for all these wonderful advice I'm working on it right now and this has helped me a lot

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