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Cant you guys just enjoy them being kids instead of keep being weirdly bothered who's the ml?

Nipple Man created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Anyone knows how to track down a bitch ass sperm donor and a walking oven?

Nipple Man created a topic of Eleceed


Nipple Man created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

Unlike the second prince which i did feel sorry for him but this bitch is just fucking pathetic

Nipple Man created a topic of PASSION

God, i really hate his uncle

Nipple Man created a topic of Eleceed

Can...can i punch Jiwoo? Just a bit? After all the shits he's been through, how can he still be so fucking naive? I love me boy but this kind of trait annoys the fuck out of me and this aint the first time he angers me with his naivety. He decided to enter the murderous world, did he really expect there would picnic parties or what?

How long has the tower appear from the outside world? Why's there no one else on the 99th floor?

Nipple Man created a topic of Waterside Night

Fuck, i havent cry a bucket over yaoi for so long..

Nipple Man created a topic of Kill the Dragon

when will he meet the silver dragon? Will he ever though?

The only thing i dislike about her design is her bangs. It's so mismatched from the rest of her hair it looks like a headband

Nipple Man created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Did Seyoung had a trauma? I forgot

Nipple Man created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

Bitch really thought of fucking sell his granddaughter for a fucking petty reason

Nipple Man created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

It's just speech bubbles yet i can hear the old fart screaming and shouting in my ears

Nipple Man created a topic of Eleceed

Based on his look and color scheme, i thought he's gonna be a norwegian cat