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Jungsoonie created a topic of Debut or Die

I chose to read this over sleeping. I don’t regret my decision. Can’t wait to read more oh my god

Jungsoonie answered question about question
Was in class, had a question about an assignment my professor had given us a couple days before. Turned on my laptop and got greeted with BJ Alex. Professor stood next to me. Happened a couple years ago but every time I think back to this it makes me want to curl up underneath my blankets and die of shame
Jungsoonie created a topic of 99.99% Lovers


Jungsoonie answered question about explain your username
Uhm… I think it was Yuri on ice. I don’t remember how I felt lol think I liked it because years later I still read it
Jungsoonie answered question about question
I havent really done anything “down bad” but like a couple weeks ago i met my friend/housemate’s twin brother and we kinda hit it off but didn’t exchange contact info. Couple days after that my housemate texted me saying his twin liked me so much he offered 150,- in exchange for my number
Jungsoonie created a topic of Damn Reincarnation

I have nothing against Ciel but i really hope she’s not the FL lmao

Jungsoonie answered question about question
Dude please tell me ur kidding
Jungsoonie created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen
Jungsoonie answered question about get to know you
It’s not weird to me but the only “obsession/addiction” I could really think of is how I’ve been an army for a bit over 8 years now!! I’ve been to 4 concerts and currently have an album + merch collection that’s worth over a couple thousands, even containing some officially signed posters ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Jungsoonie created a topic of Honey Trouble

I love this artists style so much oh my god everyone’s so pretty

Jungsoonie answered question about lmao
I love these character creation things hshdbdb
Jungsoonie answered question about chat about anything
I love blocking ppl who piss me off even the slightest. Used to run block chains on twitter and got a bit over 100k accounts blocked on there right now lol
Jungsoonie answered question about committed a crime
Jungsoonie answered question about question

Oh my god I love this !! 10/10 can’t wait to see where the story goes (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Is there a novel or is this like an original story??? (idk what it’s called sorry)