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Jungsoonie answered question about question
Dude please tell me ur kidding
Jungsoonie created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen
Jungsoonie answered question about get to know you
It’s not weird to me but the only “obsession/addiction” I could really think of is how I’ve been an army for a bit over 8 years now!! I’ve been to 4 concerts and currently have an album + merch collection that’s worth over a couple thousands, even containing some officially signed posters ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Jungsoonie created a topic of Honey Trouble

I love this artists style so much oh my god everyone’s so pretty

Jungsoonie answered question about lmao
I love these character creation things hshdbdb
Jungsoonie answered question about chat about anything
I love blocking ppl who piss me off even the slightest. Used to run block chains on twitter and got a bit over 100k accounts blocked on there right now lol
Jungsoonie answered question about committed a crime
Jungsoonie answered question about question

Oh my god I love this !! 10/10 can’t wait to see where the story goes (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Is there a novel or is this like an original story??? (idk what it’s called sorry)

Jungsoonie created a topic of Daraku Kazoku-ron

Some of the comments forgetting that logic isn’t really a thing in yaoi

Jungsoonie answered question about yaoi being life ruining
that..sure is a title
Jungsoonie answered question about question
The fuck goes on in ur head to come up with these kinda questions
Jungsoonie created a topic of Pittosporum

Cliche storyline or wtv who cares I really enjoyed reading this :]