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How loving! I love to let snakes try!
Hahahaha. I had a lots of fun this time, watching "the game".
Do they really think that I'm dumb?

Enough confirmations for cutting off the snake

Heartless, liar, fake, predator, wish harm but act kind, mirror-illusionist, etc. I LOVE to despise and spit on all of them! Does anyone know how many of those tried to set me up, contacting me here? (they really love to test me)

Now I leef loving tingling all over my body

If that person is smart, they won't appear again before my sight.

How loving is to hate and despise those ogres

I'm still above those harming frequencies.
I passed over the threshold (it's like passing through the mirror, I entered "the other side")
All their tries to hit me and pull me down won't work anymore.
I'm beyond their reach.

I'm taking back to me all what I said about love and sent away.

Definitely it was an attack.
I have to announce, it does not work, hahahaha

I had overlapping visions of pictures through words this night, with whom I spoke.

Those awful traps are everywhere.
I'm not delusional about "love" and "friendships" in this world.
I just watch how far someone can go.

But that was last checking.
They all are thorns.

It all was lie again, I saw.

If I got it right, I'll see something in new love and get it

I'm "practicing".

Soon I won't be approachaleb as now