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It's not like it's impossible to remove infection of thoughts. It is possible with understanding and enough knowledge. Every day I see better and I find infected words. So I can stop using them in reality. And I can make a new way of thinking.
And make my lyrics (invocations).

I worked a lot today. Checked up 360 pages of more than 10700 of some script I have to edit. And I'm satisfied with results.

Ergo oN SlavinnakeiD answered question about question
I'm currently unlearning everything what buried my true self under that cover we call "knowledge". It's just a bunch of trash, the way someone else want to force on you how to think "properly" and socially acceptable. They'll erase your true self and make you their tool. Make you forget the power of your OWN thoughts and wishes. They'll suck your ......

I was flying through the sun, and there was something like a list? of those we won't have pity on them. The heat was enormous but I was surrounded with higher level of fire and untouchable by heat.
I scanned swiftly, and I saw who murdered me, and then I returned into life.

Now I'm in my 8th year since I revived myself after dying.
I used very rare spiritual knowledge to replace me who died with me who was alive in the past. When I returned into body, my bones were already cold. And I cooled myself after visiting the center of the sun.

>[It's just a start of my 3rd year playing ukulele (and string instrument generally)
It all was about finding the tuning which I understand immediately
(the reason why I was stuck with a "basic" guitar tuning never moving further)
I simply have my innate tuning and key.]<.

>[Let's watch how "the Beanstalk" is falling down!]<.

Ergo oN SlavinnakeiD answered question about question
Ig it's all bcs of me this time. THEY want to see who's spilling out top secrets of "the elite" of the world. (btw, pay attention on inversion of my current username (out of the brackets) to get its two meanings)

Mirror trick of illusionists revealed.

>[I made a few new songs in the meantime...]<.

>[They are testing me, I'm testing them in the same time. It's not one way street.
I have a lots of benefits from it.]<.

>[I have some conclusions but for now I'll keep it for myself.]<.

>[It's not like I don't know that I'm watched. Someone knows a lot about them, how could I not attract attention? (many of them are silent and invisible observers).
All of them very powerful and rich.
Some of them I'm personally letting to observe me directly.]<.

>[Those tries to approach to me tell me just one thing. They are trying to find a way to set me up approach of disaster, since they are personification of it.
It means that they actually don't have a way to pass, so they are trying to find it.
And I expect them, to judge them!]<.

>[What to do now with all this food I made by accident? I realized I need just one spoon of it for not to feel hungry for hours, but I have now like 100 spoons of it??? And it can't be saved (it's mostly made of oil, fish, eggs, so freezing it is not possible)
It's too strong.]<.

>[Galeb Galbi currently lives in country called Bresia. In a place called Honey Cake Love.
Where the most beautiful garden ever will soon appear for everyone to see.
Then they will come to visit from every place in the world.]<.

>[Working on something and I'm so excited how the realization is going!]<.

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Open the Gates of my Home

Ergo oN SlavinnakeiD answered question about lmao
Disturbing fact is current global demon mass-worshipping by wrong invocation set up in ancient times ("legend" of Tower of mixing up languages). Many are tricked in doing manifestation for global disaster, while some rich "master coders" billionaires are building "bunkers" knowing for "artificial judgment day" set up, hoping that they will escape t......