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butterscotch followed a list

all western fantasy setting ecchi are like, fundamentally unredeemable but this one is kind of (?) doing … something .. ? it’s like they just threw every pornhub category into this manga and the sheer amount of kink disabled the default male gazey tropes of ecchi … it’s so horny it forgot to only objectify the women .. male characters are sex objects too … it’s equality

butterscotch followed question about question

Y'all im bored can you send me the last saved meme in your gallery and I will rate the level of brain rot and humour :p

4 days
butterscotch add manga to list my favs <3

Oono Nana is a high school girl whose heart easily flutters at the nonchalant words of the opposite ...

  • Author: Hatta akari
  • Genres: Shoujo / Romance
butterscotch followed question about question

What’s something you hate on this website?

5 days
butterscotch followed question about tried to kill yourself

I did a year ago, but last night my sister asked me have I tried to kill myself, and I said yes. She’s really down lately and considering it a couple times too. I wonder why I never realized it before.

5 days
butterscotch add manga to list my favs <3


  • Author: Suzuki julietta
  • Genres: Shoujo / Comedy / Fantasy / Romance

only 2 chapters out so far but im already in love

butterscotch created a topic of Oshi ni Amagami

we need more female vampire mcs

butterscotch followed question about question

hello i’m 21 years old and i have been reading yaoi since i was a 7th grader lol. Is anyone else starting to feel like they’re growing out of this phase? for me im getting deathly bored of it because ive been here for so long, and i am tired of chasing the high i once had when i first discovered this website. the storylines are boring and child......

7 days

Summary translated from the back cover:The stage is set in the prestigious Private Joshi (girls) Oka...

  • Author: yuzuki jun
  • Genres: Comedy / Drama / Mature / Romance / School Life / Shoujo / Smut

why the fuck

butterscotch followed question about applying edging to your life

What’s a read everyone seemingly loves but you personally think should’ve already ended where it was!

9 days
butterscotch created a topic of Shirayuki Poppu

what the fuck was that