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Muypicante created a topic of High Clear

So another staple manhwa will be wrapping up soon...

Muypicante created a topic of Ghost Window

First time seeing Young Shins eyes

Muypicante created a topic of Sleepless Night

I legit thought that Enoch was a girl until the sex scene

Muypicante created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

I think 1. The ring is inside the bear
2. The director will try to get Y away from M and M will try to kill him because of it
3. Y will find out M killed his boyfriend and realise he's in acute danger

Muypicante created a topic of Smyrna & Capri
Muypicante created a topic of Double Bell

And that ladies and gents is jealousy

Muypicante created a topic of Double Bell

The art work for Fire is ELITE!

Muypicante created a topic of Illusion Blessing

Would love some choice translations as this looks like it's got promise

Muypicante created a topic of Jinx

Regardless of the outcome of the fight, Dan is so fired!

Muypicante created a topic of Backlight
Muypicante created a topic of Believe My Sign

Them loving each other came out of nowhere for me

Muypicante created a topic of Into The Thrill

Moons personality is soooo bad

The latest translations are very good

Muypicante created a topic of Love in Orbit

Sohans father needs his Adam's apple punched out of his throat

Muypicante created a topic of Gig of the Day

I wouldn't classify that as sex. It was rapey as hell

Crazy bitch, I hope a boulder drops on her part of the car

Muypicante created a topic of Under the Green Light

The storyline in series 1 was so good. You can tell Jaxx has probably made changes to series 2 because it's not hitting the same. I'm just wondering where this is all going

Muypicante created a topic of Polar Bunny

This should have been way longer in my opinion