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I-scweem answered question about question
The questions are becoming more and more like Reddit and its a bit concerning considering how bold Redditors can be and how mentally unstable some people here are.
I-scweem answered question about question
Mutual pining, enemies to lovers, childhood friends, golden retriever x black cat/introvert x extrovert. Also have some fanart that i need somewhere to dump
I-scweem answered question about question
I cant be bothered to read all that but i suggest trying the AITA thread on reddit if you want people to give you advice on weather your an asshole
I-scweem answered question about love yuri
Im going with my friends (Im too old so we bought candy) we were just gonna walk my siblings around while eating it. We dressed up as ever after high characters
I-scweem add 1 photos to Comedy gold

they just had to rub some more salt into that wound

I-scweem add 1 photos to Comedy gold

the disrespect

I-scweem followed question about what do you want in life

OK here: And pls create your own oc based on the personality you that you have got... TwT... Don't ask me why cuz I'm hella bored rn:

30 10,2023