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Not Kosol bribing the author for ensuring hes the ML and more screentime xD i love the characters

Historic indeed! Its been a long and worthwhile journey till here. Cannot wait for whats in store for us now that Florentia is officially an adult!

Thank you so much to the uploader and/or translator, for putting this up here and with daily updates that too! Sending you good vibes, wishes, and luck, and ty again for making mine (and many others) day ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

kkoongie created a topic of Reunion

I just found this and wanted to ask if the official chapters being uploaded rn are the uncensored/mature version? Or are they r15?

kkoongie created a topic of The Man At Night

So its okay for them to go watch men strip? Huh?

I was waiting for so long for the new chapters and finally! Thank you for putting them up here, really appreciate it (⌒▽⌒)

kkoongie created a topic of Salty Lust

He will end up enjoying the present thats supposed to annoy him

This has the right amount of pain and angst my heart craves. Can't wait for more.