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mgrthwt followed a list
mgrthwt followed a goer


27 05,2023
mgrthwt add 1 photos to girl...
mgrthwt add 1 photos to girl...
mgrthwt add 1 photos to girl...

emotional damage

mgrthwt followed a goer


30 03,2023
mgrthwt followed a goer
29 03,2023
mgrthwt followed a goer

i am a gay and a lover of they gays. yuri addict since the age of 12.

29 03,2023
mgrthwt followed a goer
24 02,2023
mgrthwt followed a goer
04 02,2023
mgrthwt followed a goer

"your hot, cupcake"
 - Vi

""no just kidding im scared of commitment again.


22 01,2023
mgrthwt followed a list
21 01,2023