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Zeze created a topic of Solo Farming In The Tower

I have a bad feeling about those contaminated cherry tomatoes

it's like she's writing the story now lmaooo

ackk I'm obsessed with the pretty art

Zeze created a topic of To My Neighbor Angel!

that escalated so quickly, from being an annoyance to a fuck buddy but a segs addict angel doesn't sound so bad, still need some thing between them tho like y'know.. romance? coz segs 24/7 is boring AF

Idc about the task! let her fail it, I wanna see her getting the penalty for it

Zeze created a topic of Lily of the Valley

there's too many spoilers I've seen so I'm not that excited to read and I don't rlly want to now maybe after some good thing happens

Zeze created a topic of All's Nice!

daamnnnn another feast

I badly wanna see the mc being tied up by this little mothereffing obsessed sister

Zeze created a topic of I Tamed a Tyrant and Ran Away

aghh nooo I can't wait for anotherrr

"I will kill him in an instant"

*could not kill him*


btw isn't she getting prettier in every chapter? I mean the art I love it

Zeze created a topic of SPY x FAMILY

oh poor Martha deserves all the best thing in the world

oh god, I can't believe I read it all the way from the beginning becoz I forgor what's this story about... NOW DAMN THE SEASON 2 IS HERE AND I FINISHED IT ALL IN ONE GO, I NEED MORE

oh my what a lucky bastard got slapped by a hawty

she's a type of a woman who come and go but in a good way