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crystalvmin already read

Eiji and Koichi are such good friends their colleagues think they’re dating. Since being roomm...

  • Author: R35ol (unou sanou)
  • Genres: Yaoi

This was really good!! (aside from chapter 6 I’m ngl the timeline of the events confused me a bit, not sure if it was part of the story or just extras) I LOVE ME SOME OLD DIVORCED MEN HAVING A CHANCE TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER AGAIN. But seriously though it’s insane how a person can love one person for so long even though they never got together during that time. I really liked the comedy aspect of the manga too it was really kooky and the way they behaved was so fun to see especially in middle-aged men. Sometimes tho it was a bit too kooky at times especially during the sex scenes cos they’re censored with random things and random texts lol the art style is also very unique and non-conventional (in the manga way), definitely not everyone’s cup of tea but I see the vision.