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Aka no Hana October 9, 2016 10:24 pm


    Meri October 10, 2016 12:07 am

    lol. sometimes in my mind I would like to think that they're secret lovers, especially because of the "moments" sensei drew (▰˘◡˘▰)

Aka no Hana October 6, 2016 12:03 am

Okay, one thing that really pisses me off right now is when a person goes and say some shit like this to a sports anime or what not: "Uh, this is yaoi, I'm out." So what if the main character is male? So what if the important characters are male? Does that mean that it's yaoi? NO. True, the anime might gives fan serves that targets fangirls (for ex, in Yuri on Ice, it shows Victor's ass when he's in the onsen), but that does not mean that it's yaoi. It's just shows some skin, that's all. Do you say that "oh, it's yuri" when you says girls showing their skin to other girls? I doubt it. I just wish people to not be so judgemental of animes like these because these animes are not designed to be yaoi or shounen-ai. I understand that when you saw people commenting that they ship so and so that you might go like "oh, this is yaoi", but that's just a fangirl shipping whoever she likes. It's fine if you don't like an anime, but please don't comment negatively saying that you don't like that anime bc it's yaoi, because it's not.

    jarvialejinx October 6, 2016 12:20 am

    YURI ON ICE IS AMAZING!!!! and yes I also agree with you. Apparently otakus (mostly male) who don't like yaoi and never watched yaoi before make fun of it for being "gay". Like bruh they probs watch shounen all day and dragon ball xyz 123 and the main character is a guy so i never understood that

    jarvialejinx October 6, 2016 12:22 am

    plus everything is gay now. Like if u see a guy doing gymnastics "ew gaaaay" or seeing a guy have a ponytail "thats so gay" or just i guy standing!! "he looks gay" i dont

    Aka no Hana October 6, 2016 12:39 am
    plus everything is gay now. Like if u see a guy doing gymnastics "ew gaaaay" or seeing a guy have a ponytail "thats so gay" or just i guy standing!! "he looks gay" i dont understand!!! jarvialejinx

    THANK YOU! I'm super glad that you understand how I feel. If I don't like an anime, I don't go make assumptions saying randoms shit just because I hate it. I don't like dragon ballz and never wants to try it, and I never go comment bad stufff about it. Like, can't u just chill and just go the fuck away? Don't ruin it for ppl who enjoy that anime

    Aka no Hana October 6, 2016 12:40 am
    YURI ON ICE IS AMAZING!!!! and yes I also agree with you. Apparently otakus (mostly male) who don't like yaoi and never watched yaoi before make fun of it for being "gay". Like bruh they probs watch shounen all... jarvialejinx

    And yeah, that anime is lit. Can't wait for next ep! XD

    LessThanThree October 6, 2016 1:09 am

    Free! and KnB are the only sports ones I know of off the top of my head, and from what I know of there's a lot of shipping in the fandom. Granted, I watched Free! and I'm pretty sure the reason Rin is so cranky all of the time is because of all his pent up gayness for Haru.

    jarvialejinx October 6, 2016 1:22 am
    THANK YOU! I'm super glad that you understand how I feel. If I don't like an anime, I don't go make assumptions saying randoms shit just because I hate it. I don't like dragon ballz and never wants to try it, a... Aka no Hana


    jarvialejinx October 6, 2016 1:23 am
    Free! and KnB are the only sports ones I know of off the top of my head, and from what I know of there's a lot of shipping in the fandom. Granted, I watched Free! and I'm pretty sure the reason Rin is so cranky... LessThanThree

    lmao tru

Aka no Hana October 3, 2016 10:57 pm

Please recommend me some animes that gives hints of a yaoi pairing, but the anime itself isn't shounen-ai or yaoi.


    Bunny lord October 3, 2016 11:01 pm

    Hmmm maybe Seraph of the end?

    Aka no Hana October 3, 2016 11:43 pm
    Hmmm maybe Seraph of the end? Bunny lord

    Watched that already! ^^

    misekatte October 4, 2016 12:16 am

    Hakkenden? Loveless? Betrayal Know My Name (forgot the Jp name - sorry)

    Shirao October 4, 2016 12:21 am

    Maki ouji: Devils and realist, Kuroshitsuji

    raindragon October 4, 2016 12:48 am

    hope these aren't too obvious: Free! Everyone/everyone, Gintama - Hijikata/Gintoki, Takasugi/Gintoki, Shingeki no Kyojin - big debate over Levi pairing with Erwin/Eren supposedly canon but I don't think it is . . . There's always Supernatural, not an anime but entertainingly homoerotic

    Wow October 4, 2016 1:51 am

    07 Ghost if I remember correctly. It's been about 3 yrs since I watched it.

    Anonymous October 4, 2016 2:05 am

    Yaoi is hard, explicit version of shonen ai, and binan has hints of shoai. Well I can recommend you some semiliar anime

    Natsume yuujinchou - pretty light hints of shoai but no hetero romance so you can ship anyone. The story worth to watch

    Ookiku furikabutte - sport, shoai feel definitely there

    Free! - boys, swimming, muscles, fanservice etc etc good watch

    Tsukiuta - music semiliar to love live, boys version

    Barakamon - got fujoshi friend here and some shoai moments, no hetero romance

    Karneval - some shoai hints good watch

    No.6 - kissing scene mutual love confirmed

    Kyo kara maoh - this anime shonen ainess close to binan, the main character got himself a fiancé. Good humor

    Loveless - clear shonen ai. Pretty dark though

    Hetalia - short gag, clear shonen ai, good humor

    Else : kuroko no basuke, haikyuu, hamatora

    Anonymous October 4, 2016 3:45 am
    Yaoi is hard, explicit version of shonen ai, and binan has hints of shoai. Well I can recommend you some semiliar anime Natsume yuujinchou - pretty light hints of shoai but no hetero romance so you can ship an... @Anonymous

    And megane bu, the closest one to binan

    Chocolateislovechocolateislife October 4, 2016 5:43 am

    Cheer danshi, bproject is like uta pri but with more bromance. Seriously there's no romance at all with the mc but there's a lot of lovey lovey moments between the hot guys. Servamp, tiger and bunny, ao no exorcist

    Cocoda October 4, 2016 7:55 am

    Lol every sport animes. Prince of Stride is really good and basically catches some of the best cliche of other sport like Free, Haikyuu and Kuroko no basket, which is also gay ship material (//皿//)ノ

Aka no Hana September 15, 2016 9:09 pm

I had seen this so many times that I lost count, but for some reason, I'm ALWAYS shocked by this. Whenever I read a manga, I'm like, "Yeah, he's definitely the uke" and guess what? He's, surprisingly, the seme. And when I saw the feminine seme fucking the uke who looks like a seme, I'm like wtf. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) And my mind exploded. The end.

This kind of plot twist, more often than not, always gets me shocked. But don't get me wrong, I do enjoy reading it cuz it's also kind of funny reading about this cool "seme" turns into a hot mess.

    tokidoki September 15, 2016 9:18 pm

    I have two gay friends, one is a big old cuddly bear type (very big/tall) the other is a total queen, feminine, flirty, and fashionable - guess which is which? (hint - the bear is the uke - though both admit to switching it up)

Aka no Hana September 7, 2016 12:11 am

Hello everyone, I want to ask if you know anything about whether or not there'll be a continuation of this manga. I really want to read about Sakura and Aoi's future and felt that the ending wasn't that satisfying. Any information regarding this issue would be appreciated.

Aka no Hana June 23, 2016 11:44 pm

The struggle when you want to continue reading, but you know that something bad will happen so at the same time, you're afraid of knowing what will happen, so you're just sitting there like "Should I continue or not?"...

Anyone feel me? ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Kuma June 23, 2016 11:52 pm

    Yea feel ya, too many time! ┗( T﹏T )┛

    daynight June 23, 2016 11:52 pm


    CrystalAris June 24, 2016 12:29 am

    yes. happens with movies too. Can't watch stuff in movie theaters cause I run screaming out (fear or embarrassment... depends on the scene)

Aka no Hana June 19, 2016 5:32 pm

Do anyone know any raws for Ore Ni Kamauna!? It's been a long time since this story has been updated...

Aka no Hana June 12, 2016 4:27 pm

This is the first time I received a notification that six of the mangas that I put a bookmark on had updated. (And it's all yaoi mwahahaha)

This is the best day ever!(▰˘◡˘▰) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Hiro Shisaki June 12, 2016 4:37 pm

    For me, it's 13 updates (all yaoi) and is my highest record so far...... lol.

    doki-doki June 12, 2016 4:57 pm

    my highest only 6, but not all yaoi. some have 1 week periode update (like one piece, bleach, FT dll)

Aka no Hana April 19, 2016 10:58 pm

Just curious, but do you guys love yaoi or shounen-ai more?

Personally, I love both genres equally. I read yaoi for the sake of hot and sexy lemon, but if I want something sweet and cute, I always read shounen-ai. To me, both are equally important to me and I couldn't call one or the other my most favorite.

    Anon April 19, 2016 11:04 pm

    Shounen-ai more. I like the story depth and the realism in shounen-ai. I like yaoi for the hot sex but storywise they're mostly same. Like in real life you'd date someone and get to know them and then do the dirty dance. A relationship wouldn't start if you jump on them right away after 5 mins of meeting them. Bu if that kind of thing works then please write a love bible and you'd be my god forever. lol

    unorigional April 20, 2016 12:43 am

    Both shounen ai is adorbs but yaoi is hot XD! I really like its when they mix though.

    unorigional April 20, 2016 11:16 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! irishanime08

    I like you lol XD!

    unorigional April 20, 2016 8:56 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! irishanime08

    BFF'S IT IS!! :D

    Aka no Hana April 20, 2016 9:00 pm
    Shounen-ai more. I like the story depth and the realism in shounen-ai. I like yaoi for the hot sex but storywise they're mostly same. Like in real life you'd date someone and get to know them and then do the di... @Anon

    I think that in yaoi, there can be a plot that is very real and delivers a very strong feeling to the reader. It just depends on what the manga's about since not all yaoi mangas are about sex straight away. I know many mangas where there's a plot and it builds up and the sex scenes only occur in 1 or two chapters. Mangas like these don't focus too much on sex, but are still considered as yaoi. So, it all just depends on which manga you're talking about.

    Aka no Hana April 20, 2016 9:03 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! irishanime08

    I agree, and most of the times when I read shounen-ai, I kept on wishing that there are more intimate scenes and I'll be satisified if the couple just kiss or something because that's just how desperate I am! Lol. However, when reading shounen-ai, you can really tell that it has this romantic flow and the story flows very smoothly (not saying that this doesn't happen in yaoi, but it's just that people tend to think that yaoi equals sex, which is true in some cases, but there are many mangas that does have a plot and doesn't centers around sex)

Aka no Hana February 13, 2016 12:05 am

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