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seojihan created a topic of Misunderstanding

Ah yes. Crying pretty boys. 5/5

seojihan created a topic of Admiration and Longing

ml: u make me puke
mc: u disgust me
ml: i— i disgust you?

seojihan created a topic of The 4th Grader Demon Lord

Lol he got saved, but at what cost?

seojihan created a topic of Redeem: Only One Forever

Bro needs some therapy. Still love the visual tho he hot af

seojihan created a topic of My Fave Looks So Precious

Awww i love simp x simp or stalker c stalker thingyyy can anyone recommend me some? bl ofc

mind break/brainwashed by da dickus

Yall, dont use , use bitter gourd instead. It has some size variations, and a great texture

seojihan created a topic of Pond with flowers

Would’ve been nicer if its actual and not step
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

seojihan created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Dont worry my baby, mama’s gonna chop that man for u and flush him down the toilet

seojihan created a topic of Love Strongly, Surprise!

The young uke isso qt as well. I hope he will be there as a fren plz

Welp if anyone needs spoiler for the other heroes
Ion like hibiki at all haha. While she doesn’t exactly trust the goddess, she’s too much into justice and all that sht. She’s trying to incorporate that to makoto but fails coz makoto got a bit if messed up morals due to his circumstances. She’s a good girl though, she taught all nice japanese recipes to mio. Also lime (the guy at the start, with the orphanage) got basically attracted to hibiki, her point of view in justice and all that.

For the other guy, is the most messed up. That bot is done honestly. At first I tried justifying it with his past. He is the youngest that got transferred, bullied a lot, is being manipulated by the princess and babied by everyone. He is being used by princess coz she is angry with the goddess (coz he is the hero the goddess chose) and is basically kinda just a puppet. He is a big dumbass, only good coz of his high quality equipment and doesn’t understand the word ‘no’

Lmao he’s so inlove with the past mc. I got a feeling that he’ll forgive him even if he gains his memories

seojihan created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

Man, galna looks so effin pretty i died

seojihan created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Wahahaha imagine, from being so homophobic to sucking a man’s dck real quick

seojihan created a topic of Superstar From Age 0

omfg itz the long awaited scene pls pls gimme baby angel sejunnie ╥﹏╥

seojihan created a topic of Can't Think Straight

A certain horse needs to take some notes on how to finally be a green flag

seojihan created a topic of One Husband Is Enough

Lmao she gonna be a crossbow target help hahahaha

seojihan created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Wow the fap scene is uncensored. Hopefully the fwop fwop scene too