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seojihan created a topic of Jinx

Pls he quit right? Pls pls pls

Man i hope he can fix all the problems and maybe have a day off or two. Poor guy iz overworked

seojihan created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I doubt he’s a second ml, more like someone who causes chaos. He’s too chaotic im dying on the floor laughing rn

seojihan created a topic of My Darling Liar Boy

Im so fucking happy. Ive been waiting for this update since forever, checking it every other day im so glad for u two lovelies

seojihan created a topic of Jinx

Damn. All this weeks and I just wanted for him to fkin lose and get wrecked. Our bebe dan should have just taken the money bribe

seojihan created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

Man, god knows how much i love thing manga but god dang it is getting shorter

Shipping unnie aka mc’s brother’s ex fiance and the mc yes yes mommy

seojihan created a topic of With My Brother's Friends

Um, i tot this was incest coz of the cover and the word brother so i clicked. Im out

seojihan created a topic of Hoping for My Death

Bro silvia is rizzing everyone up

seojihan created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun


seojihan created a topic of CUFFED!

It still baffles me to this point like, how is that not gae?! Ur basically fckin a man, sucking em, handjob, and all dat kissing I DIDNT SEE THEM SAY NO HOMO

seojihan created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Pls the white haired guy isso qt gimme

seojihan created a topic of Jinx

hehe shoulder n foot ded. dasurv