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Dabonyourhaters created a topic of Waterside Night

Worst dad in the world. And now that he's pregnant his dad fucking him over like this is even more shitty

Dabonyourhaters created a topic of Waterside Night

Lord I've seen what you've done for others

Dabonyourhaters created a topic of Waterside Night

Dam wish sex was this good

Dabonyourhaters created a topic of Ni Jiu

Damn... Like he dissapeared and everyone is living a better life must suck. TBF he is also low-key living one

Dabonyourhaters created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

NGL if I raised a kid for 10 years I ain't going to get with him

Dabonyourhaters created a topic of Dreadful Night

Any other stories similar to this?

Dabonyourhaters created a topic of Dreadful Night

Does the blue guy remember everything or?

Dabonyourhaters asked a question

It's about a king who is obsessed with his servant or general. He rapes him. He sticks a needle in his penis. HONESTLY low-key torture. But then the general escapes. The king finds him. He can no longer get an erection. Somehow he gets one with the king. His men try to get him to go with them and sleep with. Woman but he doesn't. The general foalls in love with the king.


Lol they're not even a foot away from the door