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napoleonicecream created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

that poor girl :( that made my stomach drop when her body was revealed

can this shit get off my page. I’m not even reading it because I know what this gross ass shit is gonna just be

napoleonicecream created a topic of BJ alex

This is way better than Jinx. The author likes really complex characters like Alex, but like.. Jinx’s “top” is so poorly written. He isn’t complex at all, he’s just an asshole LOL.

napoleonicecream created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

If this manga had a show, I’d be so in love with it. My girl is so cute, I hope she feels better on through the series, and it really seems shinpei cares for her deeply. He’s trying to hard for her.. THIS, THIS here, is how you write a good ass relationship.

napoleonicecream created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

I mean that sounds like a win-win to me LOL. I happily accept

napoleonicecream created a topic of Jinx

Kinda realizing how this whole ordeal is almost EXACTLY like BJ Alex, but a different scenario. It’s just that the horse is way worse than Alex and it’s about wrestling. I don’t know it’s just like… almost the same lol.

sigh. I just wanted the mc happy. FOR ONCE. it was good, but I’m extremely disappointed personally with the side stories. dropped .


napoleonicecream created a topic of Mad Dog

It was.. just non consensual sex.. I loved the story, and j was so excited for the side stories I dropped everything. but for this?? (⌒▽⌒)

napoleonicecream created a topic of Rivalry

the person shipping shigaraki and deku in the translations is sending me so bad.. maybe YOU need the help bru

napoleonicecream created a topic of Kimetsu no Yaiba

Remember that this is all going to be animated so shortly. I’m so scared of the fountains that will pour out of my eyes !!

napoleonicecream created a topic of Age Matters

Just bought the first volume for myself. It’s such a cute little manga ! Highly recommend the read

I just realized that on chap. 10, Tae’s “Hyung”, is the king.. we didn’t get much of him in the present so this isn’t good (⌒▽⌒)

napoleonicecream created a topic of The Hole is Open

if this continues to be on the front page … I’m gonna commit actual crimes. They write women so terrible and the person who draws this is probably a whole ass man. Istg bro.

I feel like the r@pe wasn’t .. really needed but the art style is beautiful, and possessive men are *chefs kiss*

If you think bout it, the past may end sadly, but the present that we will go back to will probably be happy doki:3 I’m so excited to get back to where we were

napoleonicecream created a topic of Totem Realm