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napoleonicecream created a topic of Jinx

I knew it was gonna happen , I’m guess I’m a little disappointed for expecting different smh. Jaekyung is one of the most unlikeable characters EVER.

napoleonicecream created a topic of The Hole is Open

how is this the most popular manga on the site rn.. it’s so ass. literally

I’m starting to feel like an old woman being in the past so long but it’s also keeping me so on edge as to what will happen aagggh! !! I just want taehyuk to be okay :^<

napoleonicecream created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

what sweethearts.. i love them so so much aah

napoleonicecream created a topic of Temptress

I’m sorry but just the album pics alone make this look literal ass to read lmaoo. next

napoleonicecream created a topic of Yotsubato!

I love this series so much. I wish it could be an anime so badly so it could be more popular !, I love yotsuba so so much and I’m glad I could grow with her

napoleonicecream created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

the art style is so gorgeous omg.. did you see the way that woman looked ?!? so pretty

this is by far one of the best manhwa I’ve ever read, This artist’s art style is so gorgeous and they know how to keep us on edge!! I love the expressions ash makes (● ˃ロ˂)੭⁾⁾

napoleonicecream created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

BRO.. THE WAY HE HOLDS ONTO HER… enough.. my heart can’t take it. I love them so so much. the fluff is overwhelming my poor heart

napoleonicecream created a topic of Hybrid Berry

I love old art styles like these so so much

napoleonicecream created a topic of Jinx

I literally love this manga. Sure if dragged on in a few parts, but it’s so well written and keeps you on your toes. for me anyway personally !

napoleonicecream created a topic of Waterside Night

I’m so tired of just random rape being placed in mainly yaoi’s, and they casually excuse past it

napoleonicecream created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

I do like the guard, but my boy and her have been building so much love I just need them to be together (▰˘◡˘▰)

napoleonicecream created a topic of Jinx
napoleonicecream followed a goer
15 09,2023
napoleonicecream created a topic of Jinx

I wonder how this went down like
“yeah fine whatever I’ll shove that up my ass instead of taking a taxi”

napoleonicecream created a topic of Jinx

I’ll just walk there no worries sir