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Mads February 29, 2024 7:43 am

Like seriously the epilogue itself would've been a better ending but the .5 chapter for xmas for ne shouldn't be there because it makes me feel like the epilogue was overshadowed with that dark last chapter, wished it was future chapter when boris and sehyun got together

Mads February 27, 2024 10:34 am


    Terrorism February 27, 2024 10:51 am

    can you give your goody hypothesis for jaekyung

    Terrorism February 27, 2024 10:52 am


    Yeni February 27, 2024 10:53 am
    can you give your goody hypothesis for jaekyung Terrorism

    OH LMAOOOO I want it too

    Mads February 27, 2024 11:53 am
    can you give your goody hypothesis for jaekyung Terrorism

    I haven't read jinx yet because I don't know but jaekyung defo gonna have a character dev, he'll most likely have some revelation or something thrown at him and he'll understand how much Dan matters to him

    I am defending him tho because of his hot bod and being rich plus his face is literally godly! Idc if he is a black flag with that body, face and skills he can back up being an arrogant asshole

Mads February 25, 2024 11:05 am

Happy to see an upload but what would jujucat think?

No joke, I am grateful for the new update (I haven't read it yet because I am scared) but we know that jujucat is the current uploaded of Roses and champagne so I am kinda curious what mama kitty has to say in her next translator notes (I love drama) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Ricewater February 25, 2024 11:15 am

    I hope miss maam jujucat would understand our hunger for the update based on her other updates from other stories she’s got her hands full. Maybe thats why the update of is slow

    Ricewater February 25, 2024 11:16 am

    But I’ll still be waiting for her trans bec I the current one is not that good ngl

Mads February 24, 2024 3:40 am

Listen I get it, I've read love triangles/harems before and my character lost but ya'll need to understand if the author has not explicitly said it would end in harem/poly then someone needs to be the loser of it all

You can't handle it then don't read. I've dropped other works because of it and I am not ashamed to say it was because my fav didn't win

I dropped this manga years ago when yahwi got thrown away because fans were all for cain at the time (which mind you I've already said my two cents on why cain wasn't as great as people make him out to be)

But what made me stick out was that it was always supposed to be yahwi who'll end game, it was implied when this series was still beginning, cain was supposed to be an antagonist/3rd party that would give more story to the plot, but then more fans wanted him to have more role and it was given

But the author had stuck to their og plot and had yahwi and jooin endgame so I am happy that atleast the author got to write it how they wanted it to end despite knowing thr criticism they'll get from fans

Seriously the amount of hate ya'll have are shocking even us yahwi fans weren't this worst when it came to the author's decision, were sad and angry at the internet but we knew that if he didn't win it we would go and understand because we knew yahwi wasn't the best but he had character development plus a sad backstory that doesn't condone what he did but atleast give insight on why he was like that, he was broken and he wasn't ready to be a proper partner

Plus I can't stand cain fans who say that Cain could do no wrong because he has and he did! (I won't be getting into it because I know I'll be flagged again) ( ̄へ ̄)

    Pia February 24, 2024 7:53 am

    I always believed that yahwi is the endgame except the time when yahwi went to abroad I thought maybe author has changed her decision about the ending because of some fans it must have been hard for her too because fans are off limits here and even on other sites and worse they think there is nothing wrong with their actions
    It felt unfair for the story and author but even that time many yahwi fans were calm and excepted it even if we felt hurt for our boy we didn't ask or beg to author for anything
    I agree with what you said about cain

    Rzeznik February 24, 2024 1:13 pm
    I always believed that yahwi is the endgame except the time when yahwi went to abroad I thought maybe author has changed her decision about the ending because of some fans it must have been hard for her too bec... Pia

    I agree as well, I was really hurt when season 2 came we all know how Jooin disregard Yahwi upto season 3 though Im mad with the situation of yahwi I zip my mouth and just said that the moving on process of Jooin is too short for him to fall inlove with cain thats all but never say too much coz theres nothing I can do to change the storynunlike this cain stan goodness.

    Kajistuwu February 24, 2024 2:22 pm

    Fr like people hate on Yahwi too much and want Cain to be end game so bad. Tbh with you, I kinda don't like Cain when everyone condone on Yahwi this is just my thoughts, Cain is kinda push himself to Jooin and wanna make Jooin accept him so bad but he failed. This is just my POV okay based on what I've read and understand from this story

    mango February 24, 2024 6:34 pm

    cain stans even managed to bully author so much they deleted their account on twitter

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! February 24, 2024 7:57 pm
    cain stans even managed to bully author so much they deleted their account on twitter mango

    FR? The author deleted their Twitter account? It's sad that the author allowed themselves to be bullied by those hater terrorists. Even sadder is the fact that the author didn't believe enough in the 90% of readers that love the story. The haters only make up 10% of the readers and although loud like chihuahuas, they are stilll a minority.

    mango February 24, 2024 8:06 pm
    FR? The author deleted their Twitter account? It's sad that the author allowed themselves to be bullied by those hater terrorists. Even sadder is the fact that the author didn't believe enough in the 90% of rea... FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    now I looked up, their account is back

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! February 24, 2024 8:31 pm
    now I looked up, their account is back mango

    Phew! Thank goodness for that! We shouldn't allow hater terrorism on this level to win. I'm so glad to hear the author didn't cave under the cowardly pressure of the haters.

Mads February 21, 2024 9:08 am

He literally made even me worry for him like dumbass could've talked it our properly but no bad to run away anf literally cause all of us to panic

Mads February 17, 2024 7:07 pm

Seriously your problems and misunderstandings would be solved a lot quicker if you just fucking communicate!

    GayHibiscus February 18, 2024 6:23 am

    The anxious gay uke is the one with the most problems communicating, holy fuck.

    Cheating is gross but holy fuck USE WORDS AND TALK TO PEOPLE????

Mads February 7, 2024 6:05 am

I love them so much actual communication! Now hopefully they won't go and have another misunderstanding

Although I am curious about their past

    Ik_etide February 7, 2024 6:08 am

    yeah I hate misunderstandings (sorry didn't mean to dislike)

Mads February 7, 2024 5:59 am


Mads January 28, 2024 1:45 pm

I love this so much it's so underrated

Mads January 27, 2024 1:09 pm

I am gonna get a ton of backlash but IDC

Tbh I dropped this years ago because I was always a yahwi stan and I couldn't handle the shipping wars and so many toxic fans lol

Anyway I have no clue what happened to the story at all but came back after seeing yahwi again and yeah I came here to see it happen finally because I knew from the beginning it would be yahwi endgame due to reading similar tropes

Plus I can finally defend my man in peace because he won hehe

Cain stans always point out the worst in Yahwi and while I agree he was an ass in the beginning and irl should not be tolerated we see his backstory and I understand him just a bit, his mother died ffs and he had a shitty dad so yeah he won't be the best person ever but he can change and he did change that's what I love about his character

Plus I honestly couldn't stand Cain, because ya'll be defending stalking? Really? Cain met jooin once and stalked him back to Korea! That's weird and sus, idc about reincarnation stuff because ya'll that is weird af plus how he treats his parents though, that's a redflag and ya'll really be saying the only redflag is Yahwi?

They're all redflags in their own right but do not just go a and blame yahwi for everything because he was certainly not the worst one

Ya'll can say what you want about Yahwi but when I bring up Cain's low points some ya'll can't handle it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Mika January 27, 2024 1:27 pm

    Agree, they seeing yahwi as if the guy doesn’t have a right to change. They dismiss him all the way on the story as if having a second chance is not an option anymore.

    Shut up susan January 27, 2024 1:36 pm

    Istg cain is supposed to be a villain he always had that unpleasant antagonist aura when jooin is not looking i think the author had to drop that idea since he gained so many fans but. The author should have gone all the way cause it is expected that they will hate on her work if she make yahwi eg

    yoongisdad January 27, 2024 1:41 pm
    Agree, they seeing yahwi as if the guy doesn’t have a right to change. They dismiss him all the way on the story as if having a second chance is not an option anymore. Mika

    It was poorly executed though. Yahwi started to change a little bit towards the end but it was interrupted by a time skip. And even before the skip his character development was bad. Running after Jooin and crossing his boundaries despite that exact behavior being the reason why Jooin distanced himself. I wouldn't have minded seeing Yahwi grow as a person but he stayed as a sad character through and through. Without being delusional, I can't see Yahwi taking good care of Jooin in the long run.

    Also, the double standards are showing. Jooin was fine with Cain around, yet you're mad and saying Cain's act was weird. But when Yahwi forced himself on Jooin, that all of a sudden was for some reason okay because what, he had a tragic childhood? Unbelievable lol

    yoongisdad January 27, 2024 1:43 pm
    Istg cain is supposed to be a villain he always had that unpleasant antagonist aura when jooin is not looking i think the author had to drop that idea since he gained so many fans but. The author should have go... Shut up susan

    I'm really curious about Cains purpose too. Has the author ever explained his cold glares? Or were readers just interpreting too much into it

    Shut up susan January 27, 2024 1:54 pm
    I'm really curious about Cains purpose too. Has the author ever explained his cold glares? Or were readers just interpreting too much into it yoongisdad

    Nah there’s something about cain there’s been leaks that we will know more about cain in future chapters, what could it be beside being a good doggy?

    yoongisdad January 27, 2024 1:57 pm
    Nah there’s something about cain there’s been leaks that we will know more about cain in future chapters, what could it be beside being a good doggy? Shut up susan

    What leaks are you referring to?

    Shut up susan January 27, 2024 1:58 pm
    What leaks are you referring to? yoongisdad


    yoongisdad January 27, 2024 2:07 pm
    Twitter Shut up susan

    No I mean like what leaks exactly? What was seen in those leaks? I doubt the author has art that could confirm Cain is an antagonist

    Shut up susan January 27, 2024 2:15 pm
    No I mean like what leaks exactly? What was seen in those leaks? I doubt the author has art that could confirm Cain is an antagonist yoongisdad

    Its been shown to the manhwa that were the leaks also the unknown shadow hiding when yahwi and jooin were together at the campus.also when Cain pretending to be asleep when jooin cried on his dogstory, when he spoke korean perfectly when it’s yahwi and pretend to be dumb in front of jooin, lol even Jooin doesn’t trust him. Ofc author might do another jumpscare for the readers when she will reveal about who cain really is but ig there are change of plans

    yoongisdad January 27, 2024 2:21 pm
    Its been shown to the manhwa that were the leaks also the unknown shadow hiding when yahwi and jooin were together at the campus.also when Cain pretending to be asleep when jooin cried on his dogstory, when he ... Shut up susan

    That's not leaks then lol. What you're describing sound like scenes from the story, just out of context. Cain never spoke fluent korean in the beginning, he was a genuine beginner with broke korean. His korean got a lot better by the time he met Jooin (+ there were a lot of mis translations). Those aren't really arguments speaking for an antagonist, just dramatic accusations.

    Gucciha_$a$uke January 27, 2024 2:21 pm

    cain as an antagonist is SUCH a reach lmfaoooo like let cain be the nice guy who lost lol it is not that deep. author would have made him the bad guy looooong ago if that was the intention

    Gucciha_$a$uke January 27, 2024 2:24 pm
    It was poorly executed though. Yahwi started to change a little bit towards the end but it was interrupted by a time skip. And even before the skip his character development was bad. Running after Jooin and cro... yoongisdad

    yeah they literally skipped the whole process of growth and character development and like are we supposed to believe that hes changed? it would have been nice to see him yk actually show how he actively seeked change

    HereWeScreamSilently January 27, 2024 2:26 pm
    Its been shown to the manhwa that were the leaks also the unknown shadow hiding when yahwi and jooin were together at the campus.also when Cain pretending to be asleep when jooin cried on his dogstory, when he ... Shut up susan

    W h a t is bro yapping about

    Shut up susan January 27, 2024 2:29 pm
    cain as an antagonist is SUCH a reach lmfaoooo like let cain be the nice guy who lost lol it is not that deep. author would have made him the bad guy looooong ago if that was the intention Gucciha_$a$uke

    Hv you even read author previous work guy like you she just started random scenes like how chinese guy appeared out of nowhere like cain does in jooins life and how she made that chinese guy a villain which could actually also happen cain

    Shut up susan January 27, 2024 2:30 pm
    W h a t is bro yapping about HereWeScreamSilently

    Your guy might be a villain

    Gucciha_$a$uke January 27, 2024 2:31 pm
    Hv you even read author previous work guy like you she just started random scenes like how chinese guy appeared out of nowhere like cain does in jooins life and how she made that chinese guy a villain which cou... Shut up susan

    yeah this is not the same author btw. a guy like u only shares artist not author

    yoongisdad January 27, 2024 2:31 pm
    Hv you even read author previous work guy like you she just started random scenes like how chinese guy appeared out of nowhere like cain does in jooins life and how she made that chinese guy a villain which cou... Shut up susan

    This is not a guy like you though?

    HereWeScreamSilently January 27, 2024 2:32 pm
    Your guy might be a villain Shut up susan

    Judging by the "leaks" you mentioned, it's hard to believe what a bunch of bs people choose to believe just to feed their fantasies

    HereWeScreamSilently January 27, 2024 2:33 pm
    yeah this is not the same author btw. a guy like u only shares artist not author Gucciha_$a$uke

    Kari January 27, 2024 2:35 pm
    cain as an antagonist is SUCH a reach lmfaoooo like let cain be the nice guy who lost lol it is not that deep. author would have made him the bad guy looooong ago if that was the intention Gucciha_$a$uke

    For real… I don’t remember much but maybe these Cain cold stares were related to Yahwi’s attitudes towards Jooin. I mean, Yahwi wasn’t being a nice guy to Jooin at the time and maybe Cain simply reacted to it because he doesn’t like seeing Jooin hurt. Cain wasn’t perfect but he was a sweet person to Jooin since he appeared in the story and never treated him badly. He’s not the antagonist of this story and idk why people are still trying to make him one.

    Shut up susan January 27, 2024 2:35 pm
    Judging by the "leaks" you mentioned, it's hard to believe what a bunch of bs people choose to believe just to feed their fantasies HereWeScreamSilently

    Like how you feed on hallucinating cain is endgame xDDD

    yoongisdad January 27, 2024 2:38 pm
    For real… I don’t remember much but maybe these Cain cold stares were related to Yahwi’s attitudes towards Jooin. I mean, Yahwi wasn’t being a nice guy to Jooin at the time and maybe Cain simply reacted... Kari

    Yeah. That's why I said they're scenes out of context. Out of context to make haters believe he's got ill intentions deep down lol

    Gucciha_$a$uke January 27, 2024 2:41 pm
    For real… I don’t remember much but maybe these Cain cold stares were related to Yahwi’s attitudes towards Jooin. I mean, Yahwi wasn’t being a nice guy to Jooin at the time and maybe Cain simply reacted... Kari

    people are demonizing him for no reason lmao. like cant yall be happy your yahwi got with jooin leave cain out of it lol he probably wont even really appear much from now.

    HereWeScreamSilently January 27, 2024 2:41 pm
    Like how you feed on hallucinating cain is endgame xDDD Shut up susan

    Where am I hallucinating

    Gucciha_$a$uke January 27, 2024 2:42 pm
    Where am I hallucinating HereWeScreamSilently

    you stating why the ending or yahwi sucked in their mind: youre obviously just a hurt cain fan and only hate this because he didnt win

    HereWeScreamSilently January 27, 2024 2:44 pm
    you stating why the ending or yahwi sucked in their mind: youre obviously just a hurt cain fan and only hate this because he didnt win Gucciha_$a$uke

    It's honestly so funny how the most triggered ones are Yahwi stans, even tho his ass is endgame, like??? Yall still mad ? haters at heart fr

    Kari January 27, 2024 3:06 pm
    Yeah. That's why I said they're scenes out of context. Out of context to make haters believe he's got ill intentions deep down lol yoongisdad

    People who keep saying these kind of things about Cain are probably just immature. Even though he liked Jooin and knew his feelings weren’t reciprocated he was never aggressive because of jealousy. I remember at some point he even said to Jooin that Jooin and Yahwi liked each other so they should not hurt each other. He just didn’t want Jooin to suffer, that’s all it is

    Kari January 27, 2024 3:13 pm
    people are demonizing him for no reason lmao. like cant yall be happy your yahwi got with jooin leave cain out of it lol he probably wont even really appear much from now. Gucciha_$a$uke

    Yeah, in the end Cain was in this story just to make Yahwi realize how bad he was to Jooin and make him regret, like 99% of BLs with toxic mls. Cain will probably appear in like 1 chapter just to say that he’s happy now and in the worst case the authors will make him randomly spot Yawhi and Jooin together in the street and see how happy Jooin is and the end lmao (I hope they don’t really do this to him though because he doesn’t deserve it)

    HereWeScreamSilently January 27, 2024 3:13 pm
    Yeah, in the end Cain was in this story just to make Yahwi realize how bad he was to Jooin and make him regret, like 99% of BLs with toxic mls. Cain will probably appear in like 1 chapter just to say that he’... Kari

    That would be ROUGH dude

    HereWeScreamSilently January 27, 2024 3:16 pm
    People who keep saying these kind of things about Cain are probably just immature. Even though he liked Jooin and knew his feelings weren’t reciprocated he was never aggressive because of jealousy. I remember... Kari

    Yeah cain was fr such a sweet heart, i hope he finds his true soulmate who loves him fully :]

    Kari January 27, 2024 3:19 pm
    That would be ROUGH dude HereWeScreamSilently

    Well seeing how the author(s) like to make these characters having random encounters on the street without any explanation I wouldn’t be surprised anymore. Cain suffered a lot for no reason so who knows if the authors aren’t planing to make him suffer one more time lol

    Kari January 27, 2024 3:23 pm
    Yeah cain was fr such a sweet heart, i hope he finds his true soulmate who loves him fully :] HereWeScreamSilently

    I hope too, but idk if the author will have courage to break Cain from the “I will love you now and forever Jooin” cycle and I just hate this… I would really love to have a story with him falling in love normally with someone who appreciate how sweet he is.

    Gucciha_$a$uke January 27, 2024 3:24 pm
    Well seeing how the author(s) like to make these characters having random encounters on the street without any explanation I wouldn’t be surprised anymore. Cain suffered a lot for no reason so who knows if th... Kari

    i kinda wanna see him happy with someone else though like he could see them together but like be happy for them while also having a relationship

    Shut up susan January 27, 2024 3:28 pm
    i kinda wanna see him happy with someone else though like he could see them together but like be happy for them while also having a relationship Gucciha_$a$uke

    He cn be happy with his family tho they have to make up first- no, he has to spend 5 years in asylum then return to family happy ending

    HereWeScreamSilently January 27, 2024 3:46 pm
    He cn be happy with his family tho they have to make up first- no, he has to spend 5 years in asylum then return to family happy ending Shut up susan

    So mad and for what

    Shut up susan January 27, 2024 3:55 pm
    So mad and for what HereWeScreamSilently

    Who’s mad i also want cain happy ending alright

    Gucciha_$a$uke January 27, 2024 3:58 pm
    So mad and for what HereWeScreamSilently

    she wants to hit a nerve i guess lol.

    HereWeScreamSilently January 27, 2024 4:00 pm
    she wants to hit a nerve i guess lol. Gucciha_$a$uke


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