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Is there a tag I can look for similar mls??? Like they look like a rat but secretly they’re handsome LMAO

Thinking Luca is either a piece of the duke that got seperated from him via magic or some old ancient beast that got close to riri and took on her fathers appearance,,, either way, DUKE BETTER COME TO HIS SENSES BEFORE I BEAT IT BACK INTO HIM ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

80% of the problems would’ve been solved if the author just made it a yuri instead of being a coward ヽ(`Д´)ノ I literally don’t see any of the men ending up with mc LMAO

Just save yourself the time and only read chapter 1 & 2 ( ̄∇ ̄") I always come back to reread and remember why the rest of the stories are weird LOL

ThotBeGone created a topic of Bite marks and Fluorite

I’m sorry but those looney toon ass fangs keep turning me off LMAOOO it’s still rlly good and I’m excited to see more but I just… those fangs man… what r u… LMAO

ThotBeGone created a topic of Ryou Katakoi no Susume

It was okay, I liked the ending, the top was hot :3 I would be so pissed in the beginning, my anger issues could never LMAO

I wish he stayed chubby (/TДT)/ even the mc was into him staying chubby :( who cares about what media thinks!!!

ThotBeGone created a topic of The Man Next Door

The top is so cute,,, really just an ideal man ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ I wish them infinite happiness~~

ThotBeGone created a topic of Jinx

Kim Dan Kim Dan Kim Dan my darling baby boy why are you so stupid ╥﹏╥ don’t fall for the fleshy red flag…. You need higher standards… he literally does the bare minimum…

No way he JUST thought there might be cams THAT WAS MY WORRY FROM THE START- this dumbass got lost in pleasure #-.-)